Should foods be supplemented with vitamin D?


Dangerous Deficiency: A Scientist Recommends Vitamin D Fortification In Foods

Vitamin D deficiency manifests itself in a wide range of population groups. The important vitamin in the skin is mainly formed by a chemical reaction with sunlight. But the way of life in this country is often badociated with very low sun exposure. Therefore, a scientist is now calling for fortification of foods with vitamin D.

widespread vitamin D deficiency

Just a few months ago, it was reported that about 60 percent of children and teenagers in Germany more or less weak to have. In addition, one study showed that about half of over-65s are affected by vitamin D deficiency. In general, vitamin D intake in Germany is considered deficient. Some people therefore depend on additional intake of vitamin D supplements. However, according to health experts, such funds are only recommended for a few people. An Austrian scientist now recommends enriching foods with important vitamin.

Vitamin D deficiency is badociated with a number of bone diseases, musculature and a weak immune system. A researcher now recommends enriching various foods with important vitamin. (Photo: bit24 /

Dietary intake in low concentrations

In neighboring Austria also, vitamin D deficiency is very common in all population groups and may subsequently cause a number of diseases.

Vitamin D is mainly produced in the skin by a chemical reaction with sunlight.

As stated in a communication from the Graz Medical University, vitamin can be obtained only in very small amounts Therefore, some countries have already implemented a vitamin fortification of foods D.

Stefan Mushroom of the United Kingdom Graz strongly recommends this for Austria.

Lifestyles with low sun exposure

Weil Because of its low concentration, vitamin D can only be absorbed by the diet in very small proportions (about 20 percent) – especially here of fatty fish, dairy products and edible fungi, the production of vitamin D by the body plays a very important role.

"About 80% of vitamin D needs come from the body's UV-B radiation. self-taught, "says Assoz.-Prof. PD Dr. Stefan Pilz, PhD of the Clinical Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology at Med Uni Graz

It is therefore important to absorb the sun during the warm months. But during the cold season, this is hardly possible

In addition, many people spend too little time outdoors, even in sunny weather. Vitamin D deficiency is therefore a frequently observed phenomenon.

"Our lifestyle, badociated with very low sun exposure, is mainly responsible for this sometimes very dangerous deficiency," says Pilz. D deficiency

Vitamin D is responsible in the body, for example, for a calcium balance, the immune system or even the hormonal system.

An imbalance in vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone and muscle diseases.

In addition, infections and more frequent pregnancy complications or, in the case of very immunosuppressed persons, deaths can be attributed to vitamin D deficiency.

"Vitamin D acts as thyroid hormones and badual or steroid hormones throughout the body. there are a lot of genes, "says Pilz. Therefore, a balanced vitamin D household is also particularly important.

Taking vitamin D supplements

Some people therefore depend on the consumption of vitamin D supplements. However, this should always be discussed with the family doctor

However, such dietary supplements are not recommended for everyone, warns the expert of the Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen

and the Medicines Committee of the German Medical Profession (AkdÄ). Overdose with Vitamin D Supplements.

Routine Fortification of Foods

In some countries, such as the United States, Canada, India, or Finland, other approaches are adopted. There, a systematic fortification of various nutrients with vitamin D has been introduced to address the dangerous deficiency.

Stefan Pilz published a so-called "Guide" in the journal "Frontiers in Endocrinology" with international colleagues In particular, concrete proposals or scenarios for the implementation of this measure of health policy are presented [19659008] In the European Union, Finland began systematically marketing vitamin D dairy products several years ago.

"This policy-initiated intervention was not only safe and well accepted, but it also allowed almost no one in the Finnish population to miss vitamin D with 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels below 12 ng / mL (30 nmol / L), "explains Stefan Pilz.

"In countries like Austria and Germany is a vitamin D fortification in food, as in Finland, a necessary and appropriate measure for me to save a lot of people the negative consequences on the health of vitamin D deficiency. "said the expert. The United States produces vitamin D fortified foods not only because they improve public health, but also because they reduce health care costs in terms of cost-effectiveness, "says the researcher.

He hopes that their publication will help that this will also be the case in Austria and Germany in the future. (Ad)

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