So you cream yourself properly and avoid other mistakes while taking a sunbath


Good sunscreen is more than ever an important issue and the best prevention against skin cancer. Nevertheless, many people make fundamental mistakes in creams that they have to pay later with sunburn and possible long-term consequences.

Do not underestimate UV radiation

UV light is responsible for unpleasant sunburn and, in the worst case, can even promote the development of skin cancer. "UV radiation leads to damage to the genetic material." This damage leads to genomic changes in the genes that are crucial for the development of cancer, "warns the Skin Cancer Association on its website, so the good sunscreen is far from ideal. be a measure of useless beauty, but a real health problem

Radiation levels can be very different.The Federal Office of Radiation Protection therefore always publishes the current daily values ​​of the UV index. They are usually between 2 and 8. In Germany, you need to apply sunscreen to prevent sunburn and reduce the risk of cancer, even if you can not guarantee 100% protection against skin cancer.

In our slideshow, we give you tips on how to recharge your batteries safely and securely.

What does the sun protection factor say?

Our skin has a protect natural ion against the sun before sunburn. The SPF is a type of multiplier that increases the possible duration of exposure to the sun.

The formula reads:

Time of self-protection x FPS = maximum possible time in the sun without sunburn

For Europeans As a rule, a factor of solar protection from 20 to 30 is sufficient. If you have light skin that blushes after about ten minutes of exposure, the SPF 30 allows up to 300 minutes of sunshine (10 x 30 = 300). However, dermatologists advise not to take advantage of this average, but to go into the shadows after only two thirds of the time.

Also pay attention to UV-A protection

Often the references of packaging between UV-A and UV-B Differentiated protection. Additives A and B indicate the wavelength of UV light. Although UVA rays have less energy than UVB rays, they penetrate deeper into the skin. UV-B protection is indicated by the sun protection factor. When specifying a UV-A protection, the ratio between UV-A and UV-B protection should be 1: 3, with an SPF of 15, the UV-A protection is 5.

Always apply thickly

Sunscreen is basically: Expensive something more! About 30 milliliters of cream – the equivalent of about three tablespoons – you should use at least to skim the entire body. In the meantime, to improve dosage, the new bottles often offer a level mark so you can see how much cream you use. You should apply cream more frequently on exposed areas such as the forehead, shoulders, nose, ears and the back of the feet to protect them properly.

Ten tips for cooling off on hot days. However, the duration of the protective effect does not prolong the re-creaming. When it's so hot that you start to sweat, waterproof creams are also better because they are not swept away. If you want to reduce the risk of allergies, you should use organic products that do not contain any preservatives or fragrances when you choose the solar product.

Different skin types require different sun protection

The American dermatologist Thomas Fitzpatrick 1975 clbadification by skin types. These skin types can be identified by their external characteristics, but can not be clbadified at one hundred percent. The lighter the skin type, the lower the protection of the skin and the greater the risk of sunburn and skin cancer. As a result, clear skin types must have a higher sun protection factor.

Skin type Recommended sunscreen factor
Type 1: The Celtic type has a self-protection time of less than ten minutes. It does not brown, but it releases freckles, it has especially red or light hair and a very clear skin. 30-50
Type 2: The Nordic type has a self-protection time of 10 to 20 minutes. He usually has a slow, minimal tan, light skin, blond or light brown hair and often freckles. 12 to 30
Type 3: The mixed type has a medium color, light brown to black, little or no freckles and a slow but clearly progressive tan. Here, the time of self-protection is between 20 and 30 minutes. 12 to 30
Type 4: The Mediterranean type has brownish or olive skin, brown or black hair, and quickly becomes bronzed. His time of self-protection is more than 30 minutes. He rarely gets sunburn and has a low risk of skin cancer. 8 to 15
Types 5 and 6: Dark and Black Skin Types have dark brown to black skin and dark hair. The time of self-protection of the skin is more than 90 minutes. These skin types have little or no sunburn and the risk of skin cancer is very low. Nevertheless, we must also take care of these two types of skin. 4 to 8

Replace sunscreen after bathing

Many products advertise that they are waterproof, but that's only partially true. If you want sunscreen to persist after bathing, you should not dry yourself, as this will make you lose. Even dabbing with the towel is enough to at least partially remove sunscreen. Even waterproof products often lose their effect after bathing. After you have been in the water, so you should cream again.

Get a sunburn under the water?

About 80% of the UV rays penetrate into the water up to a depth of 30 centimeters. Unlike dry skin, the moisture is much more sensitive. It burns four times faster. The moist skin swells and the body's own UV filter is released from the skin. For this reason, waterproof sunscreens are recommended for water sports enthusiasts and beach hooters.

Risk of sunburn near the water

When you are on a boat or swim in the water on the inflatable mattress. In addition to the usual sun, there are other things added – one that is reflected by the water on your body. Water sports enthusiasts will become faster.

Cream of the previous year still usable?

If the cream has been left open for a year, there is a risk that it will not work. Therefore, eliminate broken sunscreens from the previous year. However, if the cream is not used and the expiry date has not been exceeded, it should be in order.

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