Southwest Airlines: Employee Mocks Passenger Names Through Social Media


The Redfords wanted to return home from John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana, Southern California, El Paso, Texas. While boarding, they met a Southwest Airlines employee who was not behaving professionally. As mother Traci Redford told KABC-TV, the employee at the door was amused by the name of her five-year-old daughter.

He saw the name Abcde on the boarding pbad, says Redford. Then he laughed and talked to other employees about his mother and daughter. "So, I turned around and told him," Hey, I can hear it, and if I hear it, then my daughter, too, I'd appreciate you stopping, " she said to the animator.

"While I was sitting there, he took a picture of my boarding pbad, posted it, and mocked my daughter." That's what they learned when someone saw the message on Facebook and reported it to the airline. Southwest Airlines is excused in a statement to the family and will investigate the case.

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