SPD politicians want the 35-hour week


The SPD wants to renew itself. But there is nothing to see for the moment. Today, twelve new members of the SPD have made ambitious proposals. They would push the SPD to the left.

In fact, things should go up. At least, that is what the SPD had planned to do: a turnaround after the historically negative result of the federal election of 20.5%.

Only that does not work yet.

Only 17% of Germans currently vote for the SPD according to federal polls. This is probably not least because of the promised renewal of the holiday is not much to see.

Twelve members of the Bundestag now want to change that. The deputies, all of whom had served their first term in the Bundestag, submitted detailed proposals in four newspapers

The SPD would follow them – the party would turn to the left.

This is not only reflected in the labor market policy demand for a substantially higher minimum wage and shorter work schedules. Economic and Financial Policy (More Investment and Wealth Tax) and Social Policy (Basic Retirement and Child Protection)

Labor Market Policy: [19659009] In the memoir on the labor market policy needed. The party must "regain the lost trust and correct our mistakes of the past". With this they play on the political agenda and especially on Hartz IV. Many comrades have identified reforms as the main reason for the decline.

Young MPs therefore demand a correction of course that does not completely break with the reforms:

  • A minimum wage of at least 12 euros per hour
  • A 35-hour week as a general working time with full wage compensation
  • A new calculation of the subsistence standard (for Hartz IV [action décisive] which should not be penalized by sanctions
  • "Opportunity Account" of an amount of 20,000 euros for continuing education or professional reorientation

Economic and Financial Policy:

In document on economic and financial policy entitled "Growth, prosperity, value creation", the twelve politicians of the SPD complain that Germany has a deficit of two years It looks good, but the recovery is not going not good with everyone else. that public budgets generate "nice surpluses, they invest too little in public infrastructure".

This chapter argues for more investment – and can also be criticized by Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) read, representing a conservative policy of zero black, so avoidance debts. "Germany must now, where the sun shines, put the roof in order!", It is said in the newspaper.

SPD politicians claim approximately:

  • A investment offensive Public Infrastructure Reinforcement Act "and a minimum annual investment of
  • More money for federal, provincial and local governments
  • A Property tax Inheritance tax and a European tax on financial transactions
  • More social housing

Our action "Germany Speaks" brings together people with different opinions.

Security and Social Policy:

The Twelve MPs are in Favor of a "viable state", which includes for them "social participation" and "a life of freedom and security." They do not want the same opportunities for all the inhabitants of Germany, but also an "approximation of the conditions of life" It is also a decidedly leftist political objective

They ask, inter alia:

  • More police also to limit the use of private security services, which the SPD politicians critically consider. statutory pension insurance private pension provision should not become the norm
  • No further increase in the retirement age and basic pension without needs badessment. Kindergrundsicherung with a fixed monthly amount per child to prevent child poverty.

Foreign Policy:

In their foreign policy document, SPD members are in favor of an active redefinition of the "foreign policy role".

For politicians, this means, among other things:

  • Clear commitments to European Union and United Nations .
  • Germany must promote European integration and the "Driving force for the deepening of Economic and Monetary Union the continuation of the construction of a Social Union and Development of Common Foreign and Security Policy "

As the" mirror ", SPD leadership in the renewal process recently used steering groups in exactly these four themes. So here, the party wants to renew itself. To this end, the SPD also includes its members. According to the report, a "debate camp" will be held in Berlin in November, where ideas will be discussed.

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