Sports adapted for seniors | Berliner Zeitung


Potsdam –

The movement is not a question of age. On the contrary, those who are no longer so mobile in daily life must pay close attention to the cost. 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week are usually recommended.

Elsewhere, seniors can work intensively 75 minutes a week. Strengthening the major muscle groups in the legs, arms and torso is especially important in old age.

Elderly Sports

Elderly people can benefit from various opportunities to find the right training, says Lars Gabrys, Prevention at the Fachhochschule für Sport und Management Potsdam. "Cycling, swimming, walking, playing sports – but also everyday things like gardening and playing with grandchildren count as a movement."

To do this with regular exercise, it is advised, not only explains Susanne Wurm, professor of psychogerontology at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Before starting a training, older people must know their physical limits. "It may be, for example, that a person is suffering from heart failure and, therefore, that it does not exceed a certain limit of physical activity." This limit must be accepted , while remaining active. "The two are not mutually exclusive, borders should not lead to a general inactivity of a person," says Wurm.

For this not to happen, it may be useful in old age to fit something sport, says Philip Messerschmidt. He is a personal trainer and specializes in seniors and latecomers. The first step: playing as a team with peers – this ensures a balanced level.

If this is not enough, changes to many popular sports are easily possible: in football, for example, players can take the plunge – and thus reduce, Even a larger team makes the game more relaxed.

This also applies to other ball sports like volleyball. A lower hanging net and a slow ball – for example, "slow motion" balls – are also significant adjustments, explains Professor Ingo Froböse of the German University of Sport in Cologne.

Even tennis can be designed: plays, must be less than meters. Softer balls and a looser frame will take a little speed out of the game, says the sport's expert. "Golf can also be adapted to age with another technique that does not rotate." Froböse advises a counselor coach.

When training at the gym, fit seniors do not need modifications, says Messerschmidt. However, some exercises are especially useful depending on age. "At 60 and 70, it is important to strengthen the whole body." Above all, the attitude is important: "It is good to strengthen the muscles of the back and the abdomen.In addition, the training of the legs as a large muscle group is important." [19659003AveryimportantproblemespeciallyfortheelderlyisfallprophylaxissaysMesserschmidt"Thesafetyandmobilityofwalkingisespeciallyimportantinoldage:howcanItakecoordinatedactiondespitestumblingorinsecurity?"Tothisendthelegmusclesarespeciallystrengthenedbytargetedtraining(dpa/tmn)

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