Stallone announces the end of Rocky! – the movie theater


Stallone announces the end of Rocky!

Written by Waldemar Witt the 28/11/2018 at 19:21

while "Creed 2" has already found its way into American cinemas and has already received many positive reviews We are waiting for January 24, 2019until we see the film in Germany too.

With such success, he should probably surprise some fans that Sylvester Stallone now currently on Instagram in a video announces the end of RockyStallone bids farewell to the character and thanks fans for his long-time support of the series and Rocky's moving career in film.

It is therefore strongly badumed that we can no longer rely on Stallone as Rocky in a possible "Creed 3"It remains to be seen if a Creed 3 is put into production, even without Stallone as Rocky, or if the whole series bearing "Creed 2" is over

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