Start Up Heroes, Part 278: These founders breathe lions


ein Mini-Inhalator on the go – two Berlin founders have convinced the jurors of the show Vox "The cave of lions" and have thus made an investment. However, they did not invent the device themselves.

With your start-up, you sell an inhaler. The principle of taking essential oils through the mucosa in case of colds is not new. What makes the aspuraclip special?

Vinh-Nghi Tiet:

It can be taken anywhere in the bag and glued discreetly to the nose. This means that you can inhale at any time and discreetly, without restricting your freedom of movement.

How did you get this idea?

Wolfgang Kleiner:

The idea of ​​a mini-inhaler was introduced to me five years ago by an acquaintance. I was excited about the concept and I was tempted to bring a product idea to the market.

So you are not inventors at all?


The idea does not come from us. We designed the equipment needed to manufacture, designed the product, designed the packaging and launched all the steps necessary to commercialize the clip.


And for the recipe for essential oils, which contains three different blends, we consulted health professionals.

Aspuraclip is your first clean business. You were both employed before the foundation. What has pushed you towards independence?


Previously, I worked for a large German manufacturer – until the sale of the division in which I was active. At that time, I could not imagine, retire or be reinstated. The opportunity to start your own business came at the right time.

As an employee, you enjoy many benefits, the personal risk is relatively low.


If you have ever worked for a company, you know that you work up to 60% of your time in trenches, not professional and professional goals. I did not want it anymore. As an employee of a car company, I was part of a big machine. As a founder, I am responsible for the whole process.

The foundation decision was made in 2014. Why did you decide four years later to play with lions?


The development of the clip took us several years. Until the summer of 2017, the product was really ready for the market. The next step is the launch on the market. An appearance at DHDL and a possible agreement seemed to be a very good option.

The sending date corresponds to the marketing point of view. Yes, the cold season is fast approaching.


The weather is perfect But we are also happy when the broadcast of the program is behind us. The tension in the team is currently very high.

Before the appearance of DHDL, your product was called aspira, not aspuraclip. Why does the name change?


For two reasons: first, the "U" symbolizes the shape of our device, so the new name indicates the product. Secondly, there were reasons to protect the brand.

Do you actually use the clip yourself? If yes: in which situations?


When people cough in the rows behind, in front of and beside me, I feel helpless against bacteria and viruses. In such cases, I put the forceps in my nose to prevent colds.

Wolfgang Kleiner (56) and Vinh-Nghi Tiet (34) (photo) founded the 2015 Aspuraclip. The patented mini-inhaler developed by them is designed to help fight colds. The start-up with twelve employees is based in Berlin-Schöneberg, the device is manufactured in Brandenburg. Before being able to win Carsten Maschmeyer and Ralf Dümmel as investors in "The Lions Cave", the founders themselves invested 1.3 million euros in their society.

In cooperation with Gründerszene:

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