makes anonymous browsing easy | Heise online


The alternative search engine has developed a new feature called "Anonymous View", which should better protect the user from tracking. acts as a proxy and calls the website selected by the user, thereby creating an "anonymization buffer" between the user and the website. The page viewed can only collect information on Startpage, but not on the user. Confidentiality is maintained by the proxy, promises the search engine privacy.

The "Anonymous View" is now directly in the search results, to the right of the corresponding link. The feature "is easy to use and unique for search engines," says Robert Beens, CEO of Startpage. "Unlike the incognito mode, the anonymous view really protects, combining privacy research and privacy browsing." Most browsers provide their users with "private tabs" or "private browsing windows". Chrome & Co. does not store any activity or cookie. "But these options give a false sense of security," warns

As the world's most discrete search engine, provides anonymized Google search results. Offers are funded by non-personalized ads. is operated in the Netherlands and was put online in 2006. In 2016, Startpage merged with Ixquick.


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