Steve Bannon dreams of a right-wing supergroup in Europe –


Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist of US President Donald Trump, wants to establish a foundation in Europe with a view to the May 2019 European elections and dreams of a "super-group" of people. far right in the European Parliament.

Bannon Narrated The Daily Beast an American site of news and opinions focused on politics and pop culture, which he would found a foundation in Europe called The Movement. He hopes this will lead to a right-wing populist revolt across the continent, which will begin with the European Parliament elections next spring.

Bannon was the man behind Trump's election campaign, which earned him the position of "chief strategist" at the White House. However, his boss resigned after seven months in office.

Last spring, the Alt-Right shooting star was shooting in Europe, appearing during campaign events in Italy, where he formed a coalition among the 5 stars. The Movement and the Lega actively supported by Matteo Salvini, if not even launched.

Bannon also shared the scene with Marine Le Pen to give him, as well as the right-wing French extremists, an extra boost during the presidential elections in France.

Dreams of a "far-right" supergroup

Bannon says The Daily Beast that he imagines a "super-group" from the right to the European Parliament, which, it is said, could accommodate up to a third of MEPs after the May European elections

. The headquarters of the Movement should be in Brussels. It is planned to start in the coming months with the recruitment of staff. It is expected that there will be a maximum of ten full-time employees at the time of the May 2019 elections, including an election expert, a communications officer, a bureau chief and a pollster. . If the project succeeds, the Movement's membership could be increased to more than 25.

Bannon plans to spend half of his time in Europe after the November mid-term elections in the United States, particularly in the USA. "Field service" and not at the Brussels office

"This idea [für The Movement] only came when Marine Le Pen invited me to speak at the National Front in Lille", said Mr. Bannon. He was "stunned" when he found that the nationalist movements in Europe were not uniting with the populist parties of neighboring countries – much less globally – and exchanging their ideas.

In fact, there is little sympathy between European nationalists movements, as most of them dream of national grandeur at the expense of their neighbors.

The Anti-Soros

Bannon sees himself as a rival to George Soros and his founding, the Open Society Foundation. About the investor Bannon said in an interview: "Soros is brilliant, he is evil but brilliant."

The American populist explained that for him, Matteo Salvini and his lega are the perfect model for future partners of the Movement: "Italy is the beating heart of modern politics."

If the strategy of the right-wing populists works there, they can succeed "everywhere", believes Bannon.

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