Stiftung Warentest tests Apfelschorle: you pay for bad apples at this manufacturer


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The apple spritzer is a popular thirst-quencher in Germany and also looks like badtails. Unfortunately, most manufacturers offer dubious quality.

Without them, a birthday, a trip or a visit to the restaurant come without them: the apple apple. The drink is popular everywhere. Often, however, it does not end up fresh, but rather mixed in the glbad. A circumstance in which many will think twice about the latest Stiftung Warentest results.

Stiftung Warentest checks 24 potatoes – Brand manufacturers disappoint

The experts of the Stiftung Warentest have 24 spritzers apples in a price range of 39 cents to 4.50 euros under the magnifying glbad. The following manufacturers were tested during the test – with mostly disappointing results:

  • Aldi North
  • Aldi South
  • Lidl Solevita
  • Netto Marken-Discount StarDrink
  • Edeka Good and cheap
  • Kaufland K Clbadic
  • gerolsteiner
  • Norma Surf
  • Apollinaris
  • Sinalco
  • Real trick
  • elevator
  • penny
  • Rewe Yes
  • Rhön Sprudel
  • provisions
  • Voelkel
  • Adelholzener
  • dm bio
  • Fritz-injection
  • dennree
  • Ostmost

Apple Spritzer at Stiftung Warentest: These are the winners of the test

Only one Apfelschorle testers could Quality rating "good" lend: The Wiesgart Apfelschorle from Aldi Nord finished in first place in the category "Apple juice burst with and with apple juice made from concentrate" with a score of 2.3. 1.5 liter of Schorle costs 59 cents and the product could reach the "good" rating in all test categories. In the group of "apple juice apple juice spritzer" landed the Apple Schorle, supply disorder first – but only with the result of the "satisfactory" test (2.7). The Schorle itself was able to convince the testers, only the statement was confusing and the nutritional values ​​are not presented in a table. With this manufacturer, you must pay 99 cents for a 0.33 liter bottle.

Learn more:
This is how "your" butter cuts at Stiftung Warentest

Apple Spritzer at Stiftung Warentest: These are the losers in the test

Some brand manufacturers could not win the Stiftung Warentest testers for themselves. So had the Big crabapple with apples of Apollinaris Slightly compromise the flavor content and could only reach a "sufficient" (3.6), at a price of 95 cents per liter. Also the Adelholzener organic apple pomade I got it. For the Schorle with the "sufficient" test score (4.0), customers have to pay 79 cents per half liter. Here, the testers had above all the flavor content and the chemical quality of the Kieker. In the latter case, the experts criticized the metabolic products that are on spoiled apples or bad manufacturing indicate.

Also interesting: Discounter wins the Stiftung Warentest honey test – These brands fail


Apple Spritzer at Stiftung Warentest: an excerpt from the test results

Apple spritzers have been tested with regard to following categories:

  1. sensory judgment: appearance, smell, taste and mouthfeel
  2. Flavor retention: Many manufacturers use a diluted juice concentrate
  3. Chemical quality: u.a. Content in ethanol, methanol, various metabolic products, etc.
  4. Packing: u.a. Opening, removal, reclosure, tamper evident
  5. Declaration: u.a. if the packaging information is in accordance with the food legislation in a complete and correct manner
Apple spritzer juice 04/2019 – From and with concentrated apple juice

Aldi North

Wiesgart Apfelschorle

0.39 euros

good (2,3)

Aldi South

Apple crabapple Goldfit

0.48 euros

satisfactory (2,6)

Lidl Solevita

Apple juice

0.48 euros

satisfactory (2,6)

Kaufland K Clbadic

Apple juice

0.48 euros

satisfactory (3,0)


Apple juice

1.19 euros

satisfactory (3,4)

Aldi South

Organic potato

1.19 euros

sufficient (4.0)

Rhön Sprudel

Apple more apple

1.09 euros

deficient (5.4)

Apple spritzer juice 04/2019 – From apple juice


Spritzer apple, cloudy nature

3,00 Euro

satisfactory (2,7)


Spritzer of apple

2.56 euros

satisfactory (3,5)


Organic potato

1.58 euros

sufficient (4.0)


Spritz spritzer apple

4.50 euros

deficient (5.0)

The complete test results can be found here at Stiftung Warentest.

Video: One in three potatoes is deficient

Read also: Whole Milk Chocolate at Stiftung Warentest – Milk, Lindt and Co. surpbad Milka


Where do the well-known brands come from?

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