StreamOn and the neutrality of the internet: regulators threaten Telekom with a hefty fine


The dispute between the Federal Network Agency and Deutsche Telekom about the "zero ranking" for streaming offers or other services continues. After the Cologne Administrative Court upheld the regulator's decision last week, the Federal Network Agency on Tuesday asked the group to adapt the "StreamOn" tariff option. . Otherwise, the authorities want to claim a total of 200,000 euros as an alleged fine.

With "StreamOn", the data consumption of some services is not taken into account in the monthly volume reserved with the portable radio contract. In some tariffs, the telecom has limited video streaming, however, the transmission rate and transmit videos only in SD quality. According to the Federal Network Agency, this violates the net neutrality requirement.

Even when roaming in other EU countries, the traffic generated is deducted from the overall volume despite StreamOn. The Federal Network Agency finds here a violation of the roaming regulations in force in the EU, according to which mobile phone customers from other EU countries must meet the same contractual conditions as at home.

In both cases, the Federal Network Agency calls for changes in telecommunications and now threatens a fine of 100,000 euros. The Bonn-based company tried to cash the order by the administrative court, but failed. Telekom is now opening the way for the Higher Administrative Court. A spokesman for the company told dpa that it "is studying new measures to continue to offer the very popular StreamOn product to our customers". For that, one would use "all the legal possibilities".

The Federal Network Agency also dealt with Vodafone's comparable offer and in summer requested changes to the "Vodafone Pbad". O2 offers fares at 1000 kbit / s and does not have a zero-rating option. Network activists and consumer advocates call for a fundamental ban on zero rating.


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