StreamOn before leaving? Telekom comments shocking court verdict – GIGA


StreamOn: The offer of German telecoms for Handy users could change in depth. The claimant had to accept a bitter defeat in court. Now the group expresses itself and gives hope to all customers.

StreamOn before leaving? Telekom comments shocking court decision

Last update of 27.11.2018 at 14:37:
Deutsche Telekom explains in a blog post why StreamOn's options are legitimate. First, it gives hope to all customers in the first sentence. There, we read: "The decision of the Cologne Administrative Court does not have an immediate effect on our StreamOn offer." For now, nothing will change. The reason given by the company is that StreamOn has been successful and has revived the mobile communications market. In addition to the neutrality of the internet, StreamOn only applies inland and is therefore a major criticism. It is therefore a violation of European roaming.
The company is not impressed by this and writes: "We are convinced that the EU Roaming Regulation also authorizes national tariffs, and that StreamOn, as a free supplementary contract in Germany, does not necessarily have to be offered at the EU level. " Even the court can convince remains questionable.

Read all the details of the verdict regarding the StreamOn option in the following article.

Telekom StreamOn: the court declares the illegal service

Telekom's complementary "StreamOn" option violates the principle of network neutrality. This decision was taken by the Cologne Administrative Court as a result of a complaint from the Federal Network Agency.

The consequences: The telecom must fundamentally revise the service. The court "has banned the continuation of StreamOn in the current concrete embodiment".

The on-demand option allows customers to use services such as Spotify and YouTube almost indefinitely, not to mention the use of monthly contract volume data.

For a long time, the mobile operator has been disputed with the federal network. The decision of the court is now the preliminary outcome of this debate.

Anyone using StreamOn in the GIGA editorial team will be featured here:

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Mobile data volume: These packages are used by GIGA publishers (2018).

Prohibition of StreamOn: Telekom is a challenge

Not only is the neutrality of the internet criticized: another criticism is that StreamOn only applies to the interior of the land. If the customer uses the service in other European countries, the credit will continue to be credited to the tariff data volume. According to the judges, this violates the rule of European roaming.

Vodafone's competition faces similar challenges as it now offers a similar model with Vodafone Pbad.

Telekom announced that it would not accept the decision and announced a complaint. Changing or even adjusting StreamOn is not an option.

"The court's decision does not have a direct impact on our StreamOn offer," Telekom said.

The Higher Administrative Court of Münster has decided how to proceed.

Source: Cologne Administrative Court, via Golem

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