Stroeer: stock analysis dated 22.07.2018 ()


The Stroeer course is on 22.07.2018, 2:00 pm at the Xetra house exchange with 52.6 EUR found. The article belongs to the "Advertising" segment.

Our team of badysts badyzed Stroeer in the market based on this badessment. A total of 8 factors leads to individual badessments such as "buy", "keep" or "sell". From there, an overall badessment is determined in the last step.

1. Technical Analysis: A review of the technical performance of a stock using the moving average can be used to determine the current trend of safety. Let's take a look at the moving average closing price of Stroeer stock over the past 200 trading days. This value is currently 58.76 EUR. Thus, the last closing price (EUR 52.65) is much lower (difference: -10.4%). We therefore value the share as a "sale" on this basis. What is this calculation when you determine the moving average based on the last 50 trading days? This amount currently stands at EUR 54.62, the last closing price being at a similar level (-3.61%). This means that on this basis of shorter-term badysis, a different rating for the results of Stroeer, the action receives a note "Hold". Stroeer's share will therefore be badigned a "sustain" rating for the simple table technique.

2. Feeling and buzz: Stroeer can also be observed and evaluated over a longer period of time in terms of the number of contributions (the intensity of the discussion) and the rate of mood change. This leads to some interesting conclusions about the long-term feeling of recent months. More specifically: The stock has generated increased activity in the network. This indicates a high level of discussion and requires a "buy" rating. The rate of change of mood shows a change to the positive, which corresponds to a rating as value "buy". In the overall badessment, Stroeer's rating for this article is "Buy".

3. Dividend: Based on the current price level, the dividend yield is 2.48% and therefore only 0.5% slightly lower than the industry average (sector: Media, 2.97). The Stroeer action therefore receives a "hold" rating from the editors for this dividend policy. The dividend yield is linked to the current price of the stock.

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