Strong spread of hantavirus expected


Experts expect a significant increase in hantavirus cases in Baden-Württemberg during the coming year. According to recent forecasts, about 1,360 cases are expected in the country in 2019, said Saturday a spokesman for the Ministry of Health. Previously, the "Südwest Presse" reported on it. To date, only 36 cases (at 15/10) of hantavirus infection have been reported nationally during the current year. The prognosis should also raise awareness of preventive measures for protection, explained the speaker.

According to the ministry, the virus is transmitted by infected animals such as red-eared mice or brown rats. It causes in men flu-like symptoms, as well as hypotension and kidney failure.

To explain the expected increase, the ministry says that the country's oaks and beeches are bearing fruit. This ensured optimal feeding conditions for the carriers of the virus – it is mainly red chickens. Minister Manne Lucha (Green Party) pointed out: "Shelters and nesting facilities such as bulky waste or old tires in the garden should now be disposed of in order to avoid rodent colonies."

A relatively high number of people were infected with hantavirus in 2017, but by that time, about 1,700 confirmed cases were recorded throughout the year and nationwide. Large fluctuations in the annual number of reports are considered normal in this disease.

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