Study: So Many Fruits and Vegetables Can Prevent Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, with more than 30% of cases, and since 1980, the number of cases has doubled. According to the German Cancer Society, doctors currently receive a diagnosis of "bad cancer" about 69,000 times a year and more than 17,750 die each year.

Given the high number, it is advisable to know the preventive measures. One thing you can already do now: Take care of a healthy diet.

The importance of many fruits and vegetables, according to a recent study from the School of Public Health at Boston University. According to him, the consumption of vegetables and yellow and orange fruits in particular could reduce the risk of malignant tumors. The results of the study were published in the journal "International Journal of Center".

Study: Preventing Breast Cancer with Fruits and Vegetables

Initial studies have already examined the effects of a healthy diet on the risk of bad cancer. However, this study is the first to examine the relationship between fruits and vegetables and the aggressive subtypes of bad cancer. "Studies have shown that eating lots of fruits and vegetables is important for preventing bad cancer," says lead author Maryam Farvid.

The study badyzed nutritional questionnaires submitted by participants every four years were. In total, more than 182,000 women participated in the surveys over a 38-year period. It included risk factors for bad cancer such as age, weight, smoking and hereditary factors.

As Many Daily Servings Are Ideal

The study found that women who ate at least 5.5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day had a 11 percent lower risk of bad cancer than

"Especially yellow and orange fruits, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, can significantly reduce the risk of bad cancer by being rich in antioxidants and other micronutrients," says Farvid. Incidentally, physical activity has also proven to be a preventative measure of bad cancer.

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