Study: Whoever eats fish often, lives longer


Researchers from the Zhejiang University School of Medicine have discovered in a recent study what promotes a long life: eating fish regularly. The results were published in the journal "JIM".

Reduced risk of fish mortality

The study was conducted over a period of 16 years. Meanwhile, the eating habits and health of nearly half a million people have been controlled and badyzed medically. 54,230 men and 30,882 women died during the study.

Researchers have found that fish are healthier and reduce the risk of death, while men who consume a lot of fish have a 9% lower mortality risk. those who consumed very little fish.

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The Risk of Dying from a Cardiovascular Disease Decreased by 10% Among Many Fish Eaters and 6% in cancer patients, the risk of dying from a respiratory disease was 20 percent lower among those who ate fish more frequently.

The result was particularly noticeable in chronic liver diseases: Here scientists have made a distinction between high and low fish eaters 37 percent farm.

Women also benefited from high fish consumption: participants measured an overall reduction in mortality of 8%. The risk of dying from cardiovascular disease decreased by ten percent and Alzheimer's disease and its consequences were about 38 percent, according to scientists.

Not applicable to fried fish

The researchers point out that these results would not apply to fried fish. This does not have or even a negative effect on health.

The ingestion of fried fish had no influence on the risk of death for male participants, while among women, high fish consumption increased overall moral hazard.

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases were also More Common in Roasted Women Fish was Often on the Menu

The fact that fried fish have no positive or even negative health effects is probably due to a number of reasons, according to the experts.

Frying fish, for example, creates what is called trans fatty acids and increases the energy density of the meal, which could potentially negate the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acid.

Thus, consumption of fish cooked gently is recommended. Suitable preparation methods are, for example, cooking with a steam basket or poaching in a vegetable broth. Also in such raw fish dishes. Sushi preserves fatty acids as opposed to frying or frying.

Researchers suspect omega-3 fatty acids are important factors

Researchers suspect that omega-3 fatty acids in fish cause lower mortality rates. To verify this, they linked the overall level of omega-3 uptake, which was calculated from subjects' nutritional surveys, to mortality.

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They found that among men and women who consume the most omega-3 fats a reduction in cardiovascular risk of death by 15% and 18%, respectively. "The results are intriguing and complement the evidence of the health benefits of omega-3s and fish in general," say the authors.

The researchers concluded that their results support current guidelines for fish consumption However, better advice should be given on the proper preparation of the fish.

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