Supreme Court decision: Trump's preferred candidate traps defenders of abortion


D The White House announced the promulgation of Donald Trump's candidate to the US Constitutional Court as the culmination of a reality show. Shortly before, the White House media team released a series of photos taken from Trump's empty lectern, on empty stands and mounted cameras

Trump stopped at nine o'clock evening. the vertical tension. He thanks Anthony Kennedy who is retiring and highlights the important role of independent justice in American democracy. Only then it comes to the point: Catholic Brett Kavanaugh should get Kennedy's job.

The 53-year-old is solidly conservative and, as expected, he will take the weight of the Supreme Court right while Kennedy, appointed by Ronald Reagan, has entered the center with time and sometimes with the four judges of the Supreme Court. had voted. Kavanaugh is at the same time one of the preselected, darling of the Republican establishment. Because of the 25 candidates on Trump's list, he has the most impressive legal resume.

Kavanaugh worked for George W. Bush

And because he was working in the George W. Bush White House. In addition, Kavanaugh is with his 13 years as a judge in the second largest court in the country, the Federal Court in Washington, DC, a predictable size. Trump had already said that he wanted someone with an impressive resume coming from the country's legal teams, Yale or Harvard. Kavanaugh attended university at Yale and then went to law school there. Today, he also teaches at Harvard. That's what they call a plan override.

Kavanaugh brought his family on stage, his wife and two daughters. He enthusiastically thanked Trump for the nomination. But of course, Kavanaugh knows that it must be confirmed by the Senate, which is even more difficult because Republicans only have one vote because of John McCain's illness. And because two Republican senators are considered Wackelkandidatinnen and want to make sure that the new judge does not tip the law on abortion in the United States.

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Kavanaugh then delivered what might well be described as the beginning of an election campaign. The leitmotiv was his special relationship with women. He praised his mother as a model, who had first worked in the 1960s as a teacher in Washington in essentially black schools before becoming a judge. He said that he was proud that the majority of his legal employees were women. He thanked Supreme Democratic Justice Elena Kagan for bringing him to Harvard – a nod to the Democrats that he can not be so bad after all. And Kavanaugh also tried to portray himself as a normal next-door man, who trained his daughters' basketball teams for seven years and served food to a Catholic charity.

Does the new judge investigate abortion?

The question that upsets rights such as those left in the United States is whether a supreme, clearly conservative court by Kavanaugh's vote could undo the 1973 memorandum of the 1973 Supreme Court decision. 39; abortion. Kavanaugh is an anti-abortion like everyone on Trump's list. But the crucial question is how important it is for Kavanaugh and the other abortionists of the Supreme Court to ignore previous precedents.

That is why many listened when Kavanaugh explained his legal philosophy. "A judge must be independent, he must interpret the law and not create a right," he said. And the constitution must be interpreted "in reference to history, tradition and precedents". This could be understood as a costed message to Republican Wackel candidates in the Senate that it would not affect the decision of the time.

Trump had also tried to smooth the waves at Kavanaugh's performance. During the election campaign, he had claimed that he would not name a judge who would not overrule the 1973 decision. Now it seemed very different. He will not ask the judge's candidates for their personal opinions on such things, the president said.

This did not change the fact that the Democrats immediately started their campaign against Kavanaugh. Chuck Schumer, leader of the Senate Democratic minority, said in a statement that he would do anything to prevent Kavanaugh. And on Twitter, a wave of democratic outrage has broken down on Kavanaugh. And leftist activist organizations like MoveOn warn in mbad emails that women will "automatically" lose their right to abortion by Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh participated in the Clinton impeachment trial

On the other hand, the Republicans urged him to abort excellent choice. In the first place, his former boss George W. Bush, who praised Trump for his decision, which is a rarity given the dislike between Trump and Bush House.

How Kavanaugh could decide the right to abortion is not clear. He will, like Trump's first judge, Neil Gorsuch, try to block questions about concrete choices at Senate hearings. Interesting, however, are also other details of his case practice, from which something like a legal philosophy can be derived. Trump may have liked that Kavanaugh has always pleaded for presidential power and against independent institutions such as the consumer protection agency, which are deprived of the political checks and balances of the democratic system. What the Conservatives appreciate about it is that it wants to transfer the power of unelected bureaucrats to the hands of elected officials.

The Democrats will also try to voice his views on the President's legal proceedings against him. Kavanaugh was a partner of special investigator Kenneth Starr and co-author of the impeachment lawsuit against Bill Clinton in the Lewinsky case. Later, however, Kavanaugh reflects critically on this period, arguing that a lawsuit against a president should be taken after his term, as it diverts the world's most powerful politician from fulfilling his duties. functions for which he was elected.

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The Democrats see here evidence that Kavanaugh Investigations against the president as a judge could choke, for example, if Trump refuses to testify against the special investigator Robert Mueller and if the special investigator Trump later cited in court. However, conservatives point out that Kavanaugh has not argued that the courts should decide to stop the prosecution of presidents. Instead, he demanded that the US Congress pbad laws to that effect.

When Bush's Kavanaugh was proposed as a federal judge, Senate Democrats prevented him from doing so for three years. He was considered one of the most partisan nominations for decades because of his role in the Bush White House. Now Democrats can only have the power to prevent them from holding their own ranks and attracting at least one Republican senator by their side. In any case, there is an intense struggle for the appointment of Kavanaugh, which is already conducted in the general public. But this kind of flashback is already familiar to Kavanaugh after his previous experiences.

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