Sweden: German firefighters extinguish forest fires


supporters from all over Europe are preparing to tackle whale fires in Sweden. Now, 52 firefighters from the Lower Saxony district of Nienburg have left for Sweden with nine vehicles. "The idea of ​​European solidarity is particularly important to us," said Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD). "Of course, we offer our help and support wherever we can."

The Swedish forests were so thick on Saturday that the fire planes could not take off. In particular, fire trucks that can bring larger quantities of water to construction sites are therefore in demand. The firefighters of Lower Saxony were solicited for a week. Even the firefighters of the Hanover and Bavaria region are ready and can be sent if necessary to the sparsely populated country.

Isolated showers help little

Dozens of Danes, Poland even nearly 140 firefighters and a variety of vehicles sent to Sweden. In the photos of the SVT TV station, you can see how their Swedish colleagues greet them from a road bridge in Norrköping, making signs and honking. Lithuanian firefighters and Norwegian helicopters also have to fight fires. Airplanes from Italy and France are also on site. In seconds, they can pour thousands of gallons of water over the burning forest.

  Nienburg firefighters before their departure

North-West Media TV / dpa

Nienburg firefighters before their departure

Meanwhile, some 50 forest fires spread across the country not spread as well as before. "The situation is still serious, but we find that it has not worsened," said the Civil Protection Authority. Minor fires could be extinguished

The forces badume that they can not extinguish the four largest fires in central Sweden, a few hundred kilometers north of Stockholm. Specialists dig trails in the woods to prevent fire from spreading. In many areas, hope is now big, fires within these limits to be able to hold.

Personnel and technically unprepared

"We have two major concerns," said disaster relief. From Finland, thunderstorms have shifted to northern Sweden – whose lightning could ignite new fires. In the south, extreme heat is expected for the next few days. The Swedish Meteorological Service expects the country to experience the hottest July in at least 260 years.

The only way to erase the big fires was lasting climate change, depending on the forces. Scattered showers help little, also because the wind, which they often bring with them, further ignites the flames.

  Helicopter firefighters near Grotingen


Helicopter firefighters near Grotingen

The three largest fires in central Sweden represent more than 20 000 hectares, roughly the same area as Hanover. How many forests burn all over the country is not to say, said the civil protection. On such large and complex fires, one of them had been endowed and technically unprepared, said the head of the authorities. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven promised that if the acute situation was overcome, he would strengthen the civil defense of Sweden.

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