Sweet picture of his daughter (2) should have warned his father


A father goes in English Claines (near Worcester) with his daughter in the afternoon on playground, Up to here, so little spectacular. In a timely moment when he is the little one on the swing had settled, it breaks quickly sweet photo for the family album. A few weeks later, the terrible news: his daughter has blood cancer! But what exactly happened?

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Photo of the girl in the playground – soon after, a blood cancer is diagnosed

Dave Fletcher, 39, from the English village of Claines, north of Worcester, goes to the playground with his daughter Izzy (2). So far everything is normal. When he places his daughter on the seat to swing, the unexpected happens. She balked, I turned around and suddenly, she fell asleep, tired, and fell asleep, but I did not think about it at all, says Fletcher to English. Metro.

Fletcher said that he thought the situation was a "sweet moment" and that he wanted to quickly take a picture of his daughter in order to keep a good memory of the afternoon. In the photo, the child sits on the swing with a doll in his arms and lets his eyes close. A sudden attack of fatigue, which is not uncommon for children of this age, thought the father.

The disease could have been detected on a photo – the rash gives the latest clue

What he did not suspect at that time: we could have already recognized the serious illness of his daughter in the photo. Because: A sign of leukemia is fatigue and exhaustion. When Izzy, shortly after the photo, had a rash on her leg, drove the parents with her to the hospital. After some tests, the dark suspicions of the doctors confirmed: Izzy is suffering from a blood cancer.

Fletcher blushed at the moment: "What I was holding was a weird sign, she was tired, she had a cold and bruises on her legs, but I thought it was part of a normal childhood. "

The condition of Izzy's is greatly improved – a father wants to warn other parents

Izzy is much better since the diagnosis in December 2017. But until today, she had to undergo hundreds of chemotherapies.

Meanwhile, Izzy's father made public the photo and its story. He wanted to warn other parents to act immediately on similar signs.

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