Syria: Bashar al-Assad and Russia apparently attack Daraa


Bombs barrels and rockets on the rebels: The Syrian air force, with its ally Russia, again mbadively bombed the province of Daraa in the south of the country [19659003] Since the failure of negotiations Wednesday night, more than 600 attacks, said the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. The organization relies on a network of informants in Syria. Their claims are difficult to independently verify, but have proven true in the past.

Opposition activists also described the situation as "hellish". Bombs and rockets have "rained" on the provincial capital of Daraa and in rural areas in the east of the province.

Daraa is one of the last Syrian regions still under rebel control. The Syrian army launched a major offensive in the region in mid-June to demand "terrorists".

Uno estimates that about 330,000 people have had to leave their homes and flee the fighting because of the fighting. The city is considered the starting point of the rebellion against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad seven years ago.

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