Syrian white helmets rescued on Israel


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  White helmets   White helmets

A member of the Syrian aid organization Weißhelme during the evacuation of a house in Damascus. Photo: Anas ALkharboutli / Archives

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

The Syrian aid organization Weihelme saved more than 100,000 people during the civil war. Now, their employees needed help themselves. After its dramatic evacuation, Germany also wants to save dozens of white helmets.

El Aviv / Berlin (dpa) – Israel helped save 800 members of a Syrian civilian organization and their families from a combat zone in southern Syria.

A spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry said this Sunday with, this concerns white helper colleagues from the Syrian aid organization. First, the newspaper "Bild" reported. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) told the newspaper that Germany would receive about 50 refugees

. The Jordanian news agency "Petra" reported that 800 Syrian civilians had been saved. Jordan has approved their transit. They should be admitted after a temporary stay within three months of Germany, Great Britain and Canada. Those involved had worked in Syrian civil defense and had fled areas that had conquered Syrian government troops.

The Israeli army said that people were directly threatening their lives. His rescue on Sunday night was at the request of the Israeli government and at the request of the United States and several European countries. "The transfer of Syrian refugees through Israel is an extraordinary humanitarian gesture," the statement said. "The civilians were taken to a neighboring country (Israel)."

Government troops launched an offensive in southern Syria in June and have already taken up many positions in recent weeks. Many people fled to the area near the Israeli border in the Golan Heights. Israel has treated thousands of wounded Syrians in recent years, but is not ready to accept the refugees.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas confirmed the planned inclusion of members of the Syrian aid organization in Germany. "The White Helmets have saved more than 100,000 people since the beginning of the Syrian conflict," SPD politician Bild said on Sunday. Their commitment deserves admiration and respect, "and we supported it with conviction."

With the advance of the regime, many white helmets now threaten life and limbs. "It is a command of humanity that many of these brave first aid workers now find refuge and protection, some of them in Germany." The Federal Ministry of the Interior also participated planning.

Israel and Syria are hostile countries. During the six-day war of 1967, Israel conquered the Syrian Golan Heights and annexed thereafter. Israel pursues a policy of non-interference in the war in Syria. However, the Israeli Air Force has repeatedly attacked targets in Syria. According to observers, the bombing is directed against Iranian troops and other forces, such as the Shiite Hezbollah of Tehran.

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