SZ-Online: Alarm Tick in Saxony


Tuesday, 24.07.2018

The number of people affected this year is higher than usual.You can prevent, but many do not.

  The tick that hides in the grbad and likes to find warm, soft skin - perhaps between the toes or in the popliteal fossa? Anyone who is so exposed in the grbad should then thoroughly search his body for ticks.
The tick that hides in the grbad and likes to find warm, soft skin – maybe between the toes or in the popliteal fossa? Anyone who is so exposed in the grbad should then thoroughly search his body for ticks.


Professor Martin Pfeffer had seen it coming: "This year, ticks are particularly numerous and active," says the veterinarian at the University of Leipzig. As a result, early illnesses occurred earlier than in other years. Ticks are primarily responsible for two diseases: Lyme disease and meningoencephalitis (TBE) in early summer.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is the most common. 120,000 cases a year are expected. This can not be said more precisely because the disease is only found in eight federal states. Saxony is one of them. The Landesuntersuchungsanstalt Sachsen recorded just under 1,900 cases in 2017. By the second week of July, there were already 772 people with Lyme disease, 200 more than last year at that time. The eastern part of the Free State is particularly affected, for example the city of Dresden, the region of Görlitz and Saxon Switzerland, but also the Vogtland, the Mittelsachsen and the Erzgebirge. Lyme disease is transmitted by bacteria in the digestive tract of ticks. Twelve hours may pbad until they are delivered to the stab wound, according to the RKI. The rapid and proper removal of the tick can therefore protect against infection. It takes at least three weeks to detect antibodies in the blood. A reliable indicator is wandering redness – a red spot, often raised around the itchy or painful sting. If it is present, the doctor will treat you with antibiotics. Some cases of Lyme disease appear initially asymptomatic and weeks later by inflammation of the joints and nerves. Paralysis, memory and disorders of concentration can be consequences. There is no vaccine.


TBE is less common than Lyme disease, but a very serious infection. Four cases have been reported in Saxony since the beginning of the year. Patients come from Vogtland, Saxon Switzerland and Erzgebirge. There are almost 200 patients all over Germany. Year after year, the numbers are up: in 2017, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 485 cases, compared with 340 a year ago

TBE is caused by viruses, which have about three percent of all ticks in their salivary glands. The pathogens get into the blood immediately with the sting. For many, the point has no consequence. About one in three people are sick. In the first stage of the disease, which begins one to two weeks after the sting, muscle pain, fever and flu-like symptoms occur. "After a phase without fever and without symptoms, the fever suddenly increases in about two-thirds of those affected.It is a sign of the second stage, when viruses have spread to the brain and nerves," Dr. Olaf Leschnik, Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Neurology at Rodewisch Hospital in Vogtland. Most often, the lining of the brain becomes inflamed, more rarely the brain and spinal cord. Heavy paralysis up to the need for care, but also deaths can be the consequences.

Up to now, medicine has not been able to discover why some people suffer from serious complications and even die, while others suffer only moderately or not at all. "What is certain, is that the age of the patients plays a role .The older the person, the more the TBE can go" Leschnik. Men are about twice as likely as women. Men are also ahead in the difficult stages. They are affected about three times more often. There is no causal treatment according to Leschnik. "The disease is fateful, at the clinic we treat painkillers as well as physiotherapy and occupational therapy."


The most effective protection against these diseases is to prevent tick bites When walking in tall grbad and bushes, it is best to wear long trousers that are tucked into socks and sturdy shoes.Biotics are especially noticeable on lightweight fabrics. sneak under the clothes, they can be rinsed under the shower, as long as they are not yet aspirated, recommends the RKI.But the shower does not replace the full body screening – preferably each other. like to sting the skin soft and warm.A tick on the nose can be removed with a pliers or a check card.The animal is pulled straight with a strong jerk, not turned or squeezed. After that, the skin is disinfected.

The vaccine

Against TBE, there is an effective and tolerable vaccine for children and adults. He is then paid by the fund if the insured lives or moves in a risk area. There are four risk areas in Saxony. The Vogtland since 2014 and three others since this year: the district of Zwickau, the Erzgebirgskreis and the district of Bautzen. "If you live in Chemnitz or Dresden, you will not be paid for the vaccine unless you are also in high-risk areas, on motorway service areas or on hikes" Dr. Fabian Magerl, Country Manager of the Barmer in Saxony. Also for trips abroad, most funds cover the costs of vaccination. An up-to-date overview is available from the Center for Travel Medicine (

"Full protection against the vaccine consists of three vaccinations, "says Dr. med. Dietmar Beier, president of the Saxon Vaccination Commission.The first two occur at intervals of one to three months, the third after nine to twelve months. "This is the first time that we refresh after three years , then every five under 60, and every three years for the over-60s, "he says.

Despite cost support, only 13% of Saxons had full vaccine protection at the time of birth. end of the year 2016, says Jörg Förster, spokesman of the Ministry of Social Affairs in the Free State. "The 11 to 18 year olds are the best protected, the worst adults, although the TBE can to be more severe with age.



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