Monday, 30.07.2018
Meissen. In Meissen and the surrounding area, more people contracted tick – borne Lyme disease in the first six months of the year than the year before. As reported by the district administration on request SZ, the number of illnesses increased slightly from 73 in the first half of 2017 to 96 in the first half of 2018.
Sick people show in most first case what is called a vagabond flow around the puncture site. If the nervous system is affected, burning nerves, numbness, vision problems or hearing problems may occur. There is no vaccine against Lyme disease.
The Robert Koch Institute recommends removing the tick quickly, but slowly with tweezers or a special tool, as close to the skin as possible to remove all parts of the tick, but without turning them over. Under no circumstances should the animal be sprayed with oil or glue as it could release its potentially infected saliva. Unlike the district of Bautzen, Meissen County is not yet one of the risk areas in which ticks carry more dangerous hazardous TBE pathogens, which can lead to brain damage. Vaccination is possible against TBE. (STH)
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