Taking magnesium can lower your blood pressure


High blood pressure can be reduced with magnesium if there is a deficiency

High blood pressure is a mbad disease. In addition to medications, various measures can help reduce long-term blood pressure. It has been shown that a healthy diet, regular exercise and weight loss succeed. The researchers found that magnesium deficiency can cause an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, a substitution with magnesium in hypertension as additional treatment in question, as studies have confirmed.

The Society for Biofactors e.V. highlights the importance of magnesium intake for blood pressure. Studies have shown that a significant proportion of patients with high blood pressure suffer from magnesium deficiency, which promotes vasoconstriction and therefore increases blood pressure, experts say. As hypertension is considered the main risk factor for cardiovascular disease, sufficient health care for those affected could significantly reduce their health risks, according to the Gesellschaft für Biofaktoren

Magnesium is rich in legumes , whole grains, nuts and seeds, (Photo: photka / fotolia.com)

Magnesium preparations can reduce blood pressure

The famous specialist in hypertension. Dr. med. Klaus Kisters, senior physician at the Medical Clinic I of St. Anna Hospital in Herne, explicitly mentioned the importance of magnesium intake for blood pressure in a series of lectures by the Society for Biofactors. normalize by changing the lifestyle and taking magnesium supplements. According to the specialist of hypertension, taking appropriate preparations can have a positive effect on the limit hypertension as well as on overt hypertension. As an expert in applied pharmacology and clinical pharmacotherapy of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Society for Biofactors, Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt, a specialist in Dresden pharmacology, supplemented with magnesium deficiency also promotes cardiovascular risk factors such as "vascular inflammation, diabetes and cardiac arrhythmias."

Magnesium deficiency a significant risk
Thus, many epidemiological studies demonstrate to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, "said the specialist in pharmacology on behalf of the Society for Biofactors. Is usually not sufficient to remedy the shortage of magnesium, Prof. Schmidt further.

The expert recommends preparations made of special magnesium compounds, the so-called Magnesiumorotat of "clinically relevant characteristic" is because the orotic acid also has cardioprotective properties.This "vitamin-like substance," according to the Society for Biofactors, promotes heart health. "Clinical studies show that this combination improves resilience and performance vulnerable and pre-damaged heart, stabilizes the heart rate and also lowers high levels of e ", explains Professor Schmidt

. Cramps in the legs, tension, cramps, headaches, stumbling of the heart, tightness in the chest, fragile nails, tooth decay and recognizing sleep disorders. The consumption of magnesium in sufficient quantity is particularly important for the health of the Society of biofactors. (sb, fp)

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