Technical: TV viewers develop in their own program directors


In the past, many television users were moving from station to station until they found a movie or show to their liking. But times have changed. The modern consumer determines himself when he looks what format. This is revealed by an investigation

. According to a study by the UFO industry badociation, viewers are increasingly watching TVs, regardless of their broadcast time. Development is also fueled by the growing supply of streaming services, it has been said now.

Up to 43 percent of respondents decide themselves when to watch a program. The trend is mostly marked by the age group of 16 to 39 year olds, said Hans-Joachim Kamp, chairman of the supervisory board of the UFG. The autonomy of time and the popularity of series often seen in one piece are determining factors in this context.

For the first time, the use of video-on-demand ("Video on Demand") outstrips media library offers. Last year, media libraries were still in the lead, with 63% of VoD providers (media libraries: 52%).

Among the streaming providers, Amazon Prime leads Germany with 74%, followed by Netflix (58%) and Google Play (27%). The only German supplier Maxdome comes according to the gfu with 15 percent in sixth place. Two years ago, the report was relatively balanced, Kamp said.

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