Technology: How to make the switch to a new smartphone tariff


With the mobile phone contract, it's sometimes like a failed relationship: you know it's over, but it stays out of comfort or habit. Change is easy, brings benefits, and you do not have to separate from his number.

Frequent calling or Daueripper? Application junkie or movie streamer? Pay dearly and pay attention to consumption or pay once and not have to think more?

All sorts of questions that need to be clarified on the way to the new mobile phone contract. Because the old tariff is too expensive, has too little data or is in the wrong network for the new place of residence, must be a new one. And what it looks like depends on what you do with your phone in everyday life.

If you have a lot of calls, you should choose a rate with a lot of free minutes or a flat rate for unlimited talk time. Surfers and streaming streamers need more data and less talk time. If you live far away, you should also look at which network provider provides a good supply.

But where do customers have a good overview? Many comparison portals on the net want to help here. However, you should not rely on them alone: ​​"You have to be careful here," says Thomas Grund of Stiftung Warentest. "Because almost all of these comparison calculators always have only some of the suppliers in their portfolio, of course, they also finance themselves with commissions or corresponding links." Consumers should therefore use multiple portals and comparing the results

In addition to the three major network operators Telekom, O2 and Vodafone, there are still a large number of discount providers, selling their tariffs almost exclusively on the net, and often they are a little cheaper than the big suppliers Here, the comparison of prices and services of frequently changing tariff offers is worth it.

Before the change, however, a look at the notice period of the old tariff is d? first needed, says Julia Rehberg of the Hamburg Consumer Center. "Because if things go very badly, I will suddenly have two mobile phone contracts that I have to pay "Customers must also ensure that the termination of the old contract includes potential partner cards.

It's easy, says Michael Reifenberg of the Federal Network Agency. Nobody has to wait until the end of the contract. "You can change the contract at any time, but of course you must continue to pay the old contract up to the agreed time." However, the old issue could migrate before the end of the contract in the new network and the customers are then there.

This porting of so-called numbers is easily done by most providers. However, there is one exception, according to Reifenberg: "If you move to another contract with the same supplier, the supplier does not have to make that change." Before choosing a supplier, you must inform yourself if the port is really offered

Julia Rehberg advises to inform both the new and the former provider about the desire to keep the mobile phone number. "It's best to ask the new provider to port before the end of the old contract.If you try it in hindsight, it probably works most of the time, but you do not have to."

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In general, the port costs 30 euros. This amount may also be lower, and some providers reimburse these new customers in whole or in part by credit. Prepaid customers must ensure that the shipping costs of 30 euros must still be credited to the card account, otherwise they may fail. "Some providers give you the option to pay this supplement, but often you want to deduct it directly from the balance," explains Thomas Grund.

In addition, customers must ensure that their mobile phone does not have a SIM lock, otherwise you will not be able to replace the new SIM card without further delay, he advises. "If I bought the phone separately, the phone will be without a SIM lock, but if I bought it in conjunction with a contract, it could well be that there is such a lock." In some cases, this may be Lock it for pay or delete it on demand for a while – a call to the old vendor will help you.

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