Tens of thousands of protesters in Vienna against the 60-hour week | TIME ONLINE


In Vienna tens of thousands of people protested against the plans of the Austrian government, the weekly working time allowed to 60
Hours to get up. According to the police went 80,000 people
On the street, the unions talked about 100,000 participants. the
The government of the conservative ÖVP and the right-wing populist FPÖ want a
Allow up to 12 hours of work per day and weekly work up to 60 hours.

At the
The protest march had called the Austrian Confederation of Trade Unions (ÖBG). "We will resist with all available resources," said Wolfgang Katzian, chairman of the ÖBG, at a rally. He called on the government to refer citizens to a referendum
The 12-hour day and the 60-hour week to interview. Until now, normal working hours are in Austria
at eight hours a day and 40 hours a week. But now
Companies are allowed to take their employees up to ten hours a day or more
cope with 50 hours a week.

First mbad protest against Chancellor Kurz's policy

It was the first major demonstration of its kind since the inauguration of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz at the end of 2017. His government wants
Allow more hours to give businesses more flexibility
allow. The bill is supposed to be pbaded by the Austrian Parliament
vote Thursday. Unions are strictly against There was a lot of controversy in the
especially on the reasons given by employers in recent weeks
they do not want to work more than ten hours a day.

Under the pressure of
The government then opposed his original bill
weakened and volunteering as a condition for an increase
the number of hours. The reform now states that employees can refuse extra work for no reason. The law should be pbaded by Parliament on Thursday

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