Tens of thousands of separatists protest in Barcelona | TIME ONLINE


In Catalonia

tens of thousands of separatists again took to the streets to support their political leaders. The estimated police of Barcelona took
110,000 people took part in the rally in the Catalan capital. the
The demonstrators demanded the immediate release of the separatist
Activists and politicians who are currently the
Returned. They also demanded that they be exiled in the
foreign countries
escaped separatists, including Puigdemont, to Catalonia
allowed to return without fear of being arrested.

A few hours before
Demonstration had the separatist leader Carles Puigdemont his supporters
called for mobilization. "The streets of Barcelona must be filled with freedom today," he said in a video message posted on Twitter. the
The demonstration should lead the detainees of the
Prisons in which, in his opinion, they should never have been taken,
would reject exiles free house to theirs
could come back and no one should be afraid to turn ideas on
Puigdemont said in his message.

L & # 39; former
The regional president Puigdemont was a last autumn
Referendum on unconstitutional independence has fled to Belgium. he
has been in Germany since his arrest in the spring. the
The Higher Regional Court of Schleswig-Holstein had a Thursday
Extradition of 55 years to Spain on suspicion of
Misappropriation of funds declared admissible, but not because of the rebellion,
Principal responsible for Spanish justice. The Supreme Court in
Madrid had at the end of June the opening of the lawsuits against Puigdemont and
14 other separatist politicians because of rebellion, embezzlement
civil disobedience confirmed. A reaction of the competent judge
Pablo Llarena at the decision of the Superior Regional Court does not exist so far.

The demonstration of Barcelona took, among others, the successor of
Puigdemont in the office of the regional president, Quim Torra. The separatists "would go to the streets as many times as necessary," he said. following
Politicians from various parties took part in the demonstration
Athletes and famous artists of Catalonia. in the
The Catalan conflict was released for the first time in recent weeks. The new Prime Minister of Spain,
Socialist leader Pedro Sánchez, Torra received for the first time
Palace of the Government of Madrid. Both politicians accepted the registration
concrete negotiations.

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