Tesla: Customers must refund the electronic premium, the manufacturer wants to advance the amount


The Federal Agency has decided not to pay any environmental premium to buyers of the Tesla Model S who had bought their car before March 6, 2018. It's about 800 procedures in which the environmental premium has already been approved – and about 250 more, which were initially postponed and would now be rejected.

Background is a dispute between the authority and the US automaker whose model S the usual variant of the upper clbad is too expensive for the granting of the electronic premium. According to Bafa regulations, the bonus is only available for deliverable cars up to a maximum net price of 60,000 euros. Tesla had initially agreed to offer the car without a "comfort package" and therefore to keep the price limit. Last fall, Bafa removed the model from the list of eligible cars because it was not even available on the market in its basic version.

Since then, Americans are in touch to find an amicable solution for Tesla. To reach the customers, the authority explained now. A deadline until early July, the group had let pbad. Therefore, now the "reversal of the purchase premium must be made."

Tesla: Unfair Buyers Decision

Tesla denies that the basic version was not available. world in Germany could order them "and we delivered these cars to customers." Tesla had previously accused the federal government of deliberately setting the price limit for the environmental bonus in order to exclude cars from the manufacturer. that is why they sometimes considered a complaint to the European Commission – until the agreement was reached on a basic version.

The decision of the Federal Office was unfair, unfair for buyers and contrary to the objectives of the support program.] Bafa said Tuesday that affected buyers of a Tesla S would be contacted by Bafa in the coming weeks.However, customers who bought the car after the date li mite could ask for the bonus. However, in addition to the contract of purchase, they must also submit a confirmation of the parts of the comfort program blocked or activated, as Bafa had already reported in March

The Electro Prize has been requested since beginning July 2016 at Bafa's. For the pure electric car with battery there is 4000 euros, for hybrid cars it is 3000 euros. Half of the premiums are funded by the federal government and the respective manufacturer.

In the video: Tesla creates more than 1000 kilometers of coverage – at 36 km / h without climate and radio

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