Tesla reimburses environmental bonuses and lawsuits


Controversy over the purchase premium for the Model S uses the court
Tesla pays the customer 4000 euros of environmental premium – and complains

  Tesla Model S: The customers who have bought a low cost German option must now pay back the environmental bonuses

Tesla Motors

Tesla Model S: Customers who have bought a cheap German version must now pay back the environmental bonus

Bad summer surprise: About 800 Tesla buyers, who bought a particularly favorable version of the S model of electric limousine in Germany, have to pay back 2000 euros of environmental premium to the Federal Office of Energy. economy and export control (Bafa). The equal share granted by the manufacturer, which is a condition of the state subsidy, shall not be refunded to the persons concerned. The Bafa confirmed it Wednesday at a request from manager-magazin.de

The authority responsible for the application and payment had announced Tuesday that she was immediately beginning to claim the federal part of the environmental premium. Affected by the refund are Tesla customers who purchased a Tesla Model S before March 6, 2018 and have paid the purchase premium. According to Bafa, the environmental bonus has already been approved for some 800 buyers Tesla Model S.

Tesla wants to compensate customers and pay Bafa

In the dispute, Tesla wants to compensate its customers and repay the 2,000 euros required by Bafa . He paid the manufacturer's share and will now "take control" from the state, said a spokesman for Tesla on written request from manager-magazin.de. "We will make sure that our customers are not harmed by any decision," reads Tesla's response.

The background of the dispute, now escalated, is a trick based on Tesla. Because the premium of Bafa purchase should be paid only for electric vehicles that cost a net maximum price of 60,000 euros. The list price of the Tesla S model was significantly higher initially. As reported manager-magazin.de, Tesla offered in November 2016, but in Germany, a heavily reduced basic model for 58,000 euros. In the vehicle, many functions could unlock later – for each a few extra thousand euros.

The deadline until early July is pbaded "inconclusive"

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With this, buyers of a Tesla Model S could also request a environmental bonus. In the fall of 2017, however, evidence has confirmed that this basic version offered could not be delivered. Result: Bafa withdrew Tesla's basic offer from the list of eligible electric vehicles on November 30, 2017.

Since then, the Authority has sought an amicable solution with Tesla for the affected customers and Tesla set a deadline early July 2018 develop a solution proposal. However, Tesla would not have made use of this offer, and the Authority must now claim the purchase price paid under "Administrative and Budget Law".

Tesla denies in an English statement that the basic version was not available. No matter who in Germany could have ordered them "and we delivered such cars to customers," says the company. The decision of the Federal Office was unjustified, unfair to buyers and contrary to the objectives of the support program, criticized Tesla.

Tesla complained to the Frankfurt Administrative Court

The Authority and Tesla are currently arguing over whether a basic version of the S model meeting the requirements of the environmental premium between September 30, 2017 and March 6, 2018 has actually been delivered and delivered. Germany or not administrative court. Here, Tesla filed a complaint on April 19, 2018, as Bafa announced on demand of eating-magazin.de. A decision in the procedure has not yet been taken.

However, the authorities agreed on a point with Tesla a few months ago: Tesla Model S vehicles, which were ordered from March 6, 2018, are eligible for Bafa certification – the environmental bonus can be request.

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