Thailand: 12 missing children found in a cave – News International



The 12 Thai footballers and their coach live! The divers found them in the Tham Luang cave nine days after they were trapped by the water.

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The first images of the cave: The divers shine on the children, who still wear their football jerseys. Hungry boys now have to wait for the final rescue Photo: UNITED KINGDOM Royal THAI / EPA-EFE / REX / Shutterstock

The wonder cave of Thailand!

Provincial Governor Narongsak Osottanakorn said in a first statement, "We found all thirteen unscathed and we will take care of them until they can move." During the night (local time), the confined had to be released from the cave.

At first, nothing came of it. The water in the entrance to the cave was still too high.

Rescuers want to teach them how to dive

According to a CNN reporter on site, lifeguards must teach diving to the football team and their coach. They do not believe that the water is running out so quickly. Rescue experts Anmar Mirza have warned against this "most dangerous" option to save the football team: "Underwater diving is one of the most dangerous forms of diving, only extremely divers Experienced people can handle this difficult task. Mirza advises CNN

Mirza advises: "It would be better to provide oxygen and food to the children until the water level drops and the water level drops. they can be released on foot. "

In addition, the emergency services are currently preparing food rations that could feed the team for four months in case of emergency. In a statement from the chief of operations, it was said that oxygen should be pumped into the cave.

British divers first among the children

According to the BBC, The two divers who were first trapped were said to be two British who had flown to Thailand last week. Help

The Thai army released a video that both made in the cave. shows the kids in their soccer jerseys, the voices of both divers are heard.

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Photo: Linh Pham / Getty Images

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One of the parents happily shows one of the first photos of the cave Photo: Linh Pham / Getty Images

►One of the two rescuers explains to the children that they can not be saved at once. He says, "We come, everything will be fine, many people will come, we are only the first." He also asks, "How many are you?" The group confirms: We are 13 – the exact number of missing persons.

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Photo : SOE ZEYA / Reuters

"data-zoom-src =" https: // sie-gerettet-200842893-56193210 / Bild / 2.bild.jpg «/>

In this temporary bed, boys must be treated temporarily when they are saved Photo: SOE ZEYA TUN / Reuters

Governor of Chiang Rai Province said: "We will bring them the food and a doctor, he can dive. "The children should now be cared for.It was not safe to be able to eat something" because they have not eaten for a while. "

Tinnakorn Boonpiem, the father of One of the boys, said: "I am so happy." He wonders how his twelve year old son will deal psychologically with the experience.

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Photo: – / dpa

"data-zoom-src =" photos / thailand-12-lost-children living in cave discovery -200842682-56191398 / image / 3.bild.jpg «/>

Army divers had searched for days for children in the large branched cave Photo: – / dpa

The twelve young footballers (11 to 16 years old) of the badociation Moo Pa – boars – and their trainer (25) made a trip to Tham Luang Cave near the border with Myanmar and Laos on June 23, when heavy rains brought water up and the floodwaters spilled into the cave.

The group was caught!

By running away from the water, teens and their trainer moved further into the cave looking for a high place.

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Hundreds of oxygen bottles were distributed in the cave system to ensure the safety of lifeguards Photo: Linh Pham / Getty Images

They first reached an area of cave called Pattaya Beach. "But according to the BBC was also overwhelmed." They went about 400 meters away, where there is a higher section, "said Provincial Governor Narongsak Osatanakorn.Here they were finally discovered by badistants.

Successful diving operation

More than 1,000 helpers have been deployed to find young people.In addition to the divers of the Thai army, experts from the United States, China, from Australia and from England.

The water was pumped laterally and from above through long tubes

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photo: Imago

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The rescuers pump the water from the cave Photo: Imago

The divers make their way – but the conditions are extremely unfavorable: poor visibility, narrow and winding corridors, impossible to cross many places. 19659007] Again and again the divers had to stop the search

For the complicated search under water the emergency services were provided with 600 oxygen bottles, which were placed in the cave wells at a distance of about 25 meters

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Photo: Imago

" zoom data src = " /rettungs-taucher-200843009-56194198/Bild/2.bild.jpg "/>

Save the divers before diving into the cave Photo: Imago

But with the location of the band the drama is not over yet!

"This is not over," said the provincial governor. On the one hand, the guys are weakened by the many days in the cave, and on the other hand, a dive is risky for people who have no experience, especially in such a close environment.

The Cave Drama of Thailand ” data-zoom-title=”” data-zoom-src=”–info-bild-infografik-200842846-56192748/Bild/2.bild.gif”/>

The First Prime Minister Prompting Beach Vacations

At the end of last week, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha went to the site of the disaster and encouraged the families of the missing children . Prayut to parents last Friday: "Believe in your children, believe in the authorities."

  A crossing of the Tham-Juang cave in Tailand | info.BILD, Infografik

In addition, he promised a beach vacation: "If they are all out, I take them all to Pattaya," he said, to awaken the day. worried parents worried. Pattaya Beach is also popular with tourists as a holiday and holiday destination

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