That was the # excited demo in Munich – Munich


Tens of thousands of people from all over Bavaria demonstrate in the city center against the CSU policy. Some feel at Wackersdorf in 1985 and the string of lights in 1992 recalls.

Report by Anna Hoben and Wolfgang Görl

The rain stopped falling and narrowed to a slight drizzle, but people continue to sink at only 16 hours, they flock to Königsplatz from all directions. The climbing of one of the steps of the Glyptotheque reveals a sea of ​​heads, signs of protest and umbrellas, a huge colorful hidden object. "Welcome", welcomes the organizer Thomas Lechner from the scene. He took Matthias Weinzierl from the social cooperative Bellevue di Monaco and the small art organizer Till Hofmann. Together, they repeat the message in a few dozen languages. "In Bavaria, we speak several languages," shouts Lechner, "and that's damn good!"

He remembers the anti-nuclear demonstration of Wackersdorf in 1985, says Lechner, and the chain of lights in 1992, when Hundreds of thousands demonstrated in Munich against racism. Many are not this Sunday. But at 4:45 pm, organizers announce that 50,000 protesters are there. The police speak of 25,000 participants. Under the motto "Combat: together against a policy of fear", the event is aimed primarily at CSU leaders Horst Seehofer, Markus Söder and Alexander Dobrindt.

At least 25,000 people take to the streets against the CSU

Under the motto "Outraged", thousands of people gather on the Königsplatz in Munich to demonstrate against the policy of the state government.

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OB Reiter: "We Do not Let ourselves Divide"

The protest called for an unusually broad alliance of about 130 organizations. The mayor of Munich Dieter Reiter (SPD) speaks of an "already seen", he thinks about the concert on the Königsplatz for refugees a few years ago. "There were a lot of people at the time, but not so much." He continues today "something important", says Reiter, social peace was "highly threatened". But from Munich, take out the message: "We do not let ourselves be divided."

Statements such as "asylum tourism" would have "poison introduced into the country," says one speaker; Terms such as "anti-deportation industry" favored conspiracy theories. "Whoever deals with exclusion and pogroms, will find that it always begins and everywhere by the brutalization of the language."

The rally on Königsplatz, however, had started with music. So that all the protesters arrive in peace and that nobody misses a speech or a contribution of cabaret. The Bavarian folk rock band "Django 3000" had the prelude at 3 pm, followed by three quarters of blood. "It's raining and it's getting cold, I feel" how Welt falls to pieces, "she says in her song" Mia san ned only mia. "The musicians had tentatively announced that they would play the song "until it's no longer necessary" and while they play, the sun shines on the gray, overcast skies of Munich.

"Hate and drowning – is this your culture? Director? "

Also at noon the demonstration with a half-hour late at 1:30 pm The Goetheplatz clock was turned on, the rain had stopped.The blessing of the god of is the weather based on the demonstration, which is to put a sign "against the mbadive displacement to the right in society, the state of surveillance, the restriction of our freedom and human rights abuses" Well, after ten minutes, the rain settles again, umbrellas are as important as the banners that day. depending on the rain from above, it's a joyful among the some 15,000 protesters wrapped in all the colors of the rainbow – and the longer the walk through the city will be long , plus there will be people

Ulrich Hahn as well as some policemen and other participants under a canopy of rain brought to safety. Hahn and his wife traveled from Villingen to the Black Forest in Munich for a demonstration because, as he says, "a lot of the hustle and bustle comes from Munich". It does not mean the city and its inhabitants, but the CSU. Hahn, who is taking care of refugees in his home country, believes that human rights in Europe are at risk, particularly with regard to the situation in the Mediterranean.

Stefanie Stohwbader, originally from Chiemsee and also wearing a traditional Shield dirndl: "Hate and drown – is this your guiding culture?" Instead of pursuing a policy of ownership, the young woman says that many politicians are only concerned about their functions. She demonstrates, "because it's no longer possible to watch what contempt for human beings is practiced here." And the Dirndl has attracted them more: To show that they can not take away "Bayern" and not all Bayern are as they are "seen in the CSU party headquarters."

While a dinghy, with the 2016 More than 100 people fled Libya on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, are dragged into the protest by members of the rescue organization rescue vessels, and Antonia Veramendi, director of the School of Young Refugees, will give a speech. "We must not let people drown, it's dangerous if deterrence is more important than human life." And it ends with the phrase: "We do not let the populists lead us to moral bankruptcy."

Rescue captain: "We saved 450 people, we did not do anything wrong"

The train crosses Lindwurmstraße, goes to Theresienwiese, where Oktoberfest is under construction. In front of the police, behind them six machines from the left motorcycle club "Kuhle Wampe". Countless signs, stickers, banners and banners: "CSU-endorsers expelled to Hungary" is there to read, or "shows the spine instead of cross" or "Sea Rescue is not a crime" or simply "Munich is colorful". The atmosphere is relaxed, almost hilarious, and it gets even better when the demo line announces that there are 18,000 people on the street at that time – the second of the four intermediate stations has just pbaded and the rally is on the move Königsplatz is still far away. As organizer Thomas Lechner announced in his welcome speech: "We are getting up, we are coming – the Mutbürger!"

Hometown, Claus-Peter Reisch, captain of the rescue vessel accused in Malta Life line . For a year and a half he has been rescuing refugees from the Mediterranean on behalf of the non-governmental organization Mission Lifeline. The headquarters is headquartered in Dresden and proves that other sounds and actions come from the capital of the Saxon state such as Pegida. "We saved 450 people," Reisch said later in the afternoon on Königsplatz, he could face his head up, "we have done nothing wrong."


25,000 people go Sunday against the CSU policy in Munich on the street – and react to everything but sovereignty. This shows that the People's Party has lost contact with some of the people.

Comment from Heribert Prantl

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