The 10 biggest myths of the sun |


  The 10 greatest myths of the sun


The 10 greatest myths of the sun

For our well-being we need heat and sun, but also cancer the skin. The summer sun.

By Barbara Rohrhofer,

July 18, 2018 – 00:04

A little over a quarter of Austrians have sunburns each summer. Mainly because the sunscreen was chosen too low or not used at all. Or maybe, because you are sitting on a myth of sunscreen. What's going? And what's not? Here is a sunny overview, which should help avoid late summer damage.

Brown skin is a sign of health and attractiveness

Wrong: There is definitely no healthy tan. 90 percent of skin cancers are due to UV rays. "In addition, too much sun promotes the formation of wrinkles," says Johannes Neuhofer, dermatologist and group observer of the Austrian dermatologists of the Medical Association

If I'm in the shade during the holidays of Summer, I can not have sunburn

. Up to 80% of the intensity of radiation is reflected by sand, water or buildings. Even umbrellas or clouds do not prevent UV rays, so you should also make cream in the shade.

Sunburns in childhood increase the risk of skin cancer

Correct: Childhood and adolescence triple the risk of black skin cancer ( melanoma). Experts estimate that most of them have already filled their "sun account" up to 50 to 80% before the age of 18.

I do not become brown with a high sun protection factor

Incorrect: High SPF may be browned. The sun protection factor indicates how long longer someone can stay creamy in the sun without having a sunburn. Anyone who becomes red without sunscreen after ten minutes, with a sun protection factor 30 theoretically only after 300 minutes, a sunburn. The protection depends on the type of skin, the strength of the sun and other factors such as perspiration, the abrasion of the cream and the bath

Too much sun makes us look old

Correct : And not only. The rays generate free radicals. Aggressive oxygen compounds activate enzymes that accelerate skin aging. In addition, the rays weaken the immune system in the long run and promote skin diseases such as herpes, dilated veins and age spots. In addition, the badumption that the sun makes imperfections disappear is unfortunately wrong. It is true that pimples are less visible on brown skin, says the famous German doctor Eckart von Hirschhausen

The sunscreen destroys the sea.

Correct: According to the US Marine Agency , thousands of tons Suncream in the sea and can destroy the ecosystem of coral reefs. This is due to the ingredients benzophenone-3 (also called oxybenzone) and octocrylene, which are contained in four out of five European solar products. In some areas, such as Self-tanners offer good sunscreen

Wrong: Self-tanners have an exclusively cosmetic effect.

Clothing protects against the sun [19659007] Yes and no. The protection of a garment against UV rays depends on the type of fabric and the density. Basically, the denser the fabric, the better. The clbadic white cotton t-shirt still allows a whopping 40 percent of UV radiation. Chemical fibers protect better than natural fibers. Who wants to play safely buys special UV protective clothing,

A thin sunscreen on the skin is more than enough

Wrong: With creams, you should not save with the amount of product . About six teaspoons should be used for the whole body and creamed every two to three hours. Using too little sunscreen reduces the sun protection factor. If you come out of the water or have sweated profusely, you must lubricate immediately. In general, direct sunlight should be avoided at noon

Children's skin is more sensitive, so it needs more protection.

Correct: "Until puberty, the skin is more sensitive than adults.Children should pay more attention to the perfect sunscreen," says Neuhofer [19659026] back to Health «


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