The best "chirp": Price for Freyunger Schülerzeitung


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  At the awards ceremony in Munich: young editors with their student journalist Tanja Wagner (left), Michael Köberl at the head of the school (at the back) and Claudia Gaull ( to the right). - Photo: StMUK

At the awards ceremony in Munich: young editors with their elected teacher Tanja Wagner (left), Michael Köberl as management representative and Claudia Gaull (right) – Photo : StMUK

At the awards ceremony in Munich: young editors with their teacher Tanja Wagner (left), Michael Köberl as director of the school and Claudia Gaull (right). – Photo: StMUK

The good news came by e-mail: the team of the "Freinger Zwitscher-Blatts" learned that she won a competition from Bavarian student newspapers: "We are all pretty panicked, "recalls Anna Grimbs, high school student, as she read the e-mail This week, the official awards ceremony was held with the Minister of Culture, Bernd Sibler, and the President of the Landtag Barb ara Stamm was held at the Landtag in Munich.

Outstanding school newspapers were awarded in various categories in the "Blattmacher" competition. One of them was the "Freinger Zwitscher-Blatt", the student newspaper of Freyunger High School. The newspaper is published online, so the Freyunger received an award in this category with two other Bavarian schools.

The laudatory speech made sentences that the young editors of the Zwitscher-Blatt ( were proud of: It was said, for example, that at first glance one could think that it is a good student newspaper that deals with more shallow topics, but that it is quickly realized that the site also addresses critical topics, In the in-depth texts, nachhakt.

When the team met the PNP to the conversation, the students were still very satisfied with this award: "It's great," says Elias Segl (12). "Great motivation to show what you can achieve together," said editor Isabell Stadler (14). Overall, the current editorial team consists of six sixth and eighth grade students. – dd Read the full report on 21.7. in your PNP, FRG edition.

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