The big computer fair Cebit makes you tight


The large German computer show Cebit will probably not take place in 2019. The mbad is dead. What's your opinion?

What happened? Surprisingly, the end of Cebit was announced recently. Since 1986, the fair Cebit exists in Hanover.

This is why the Cebit concludes: The big German computer fair with the strange name "Centrum für Büroautomation, Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation" could win only a few exhibitors.

Until now, only 6,000 square meters of exhibition space would have been rented. In 2018, it was simultaneously three times more.

In addition, the number of visitors has steadily decreased:

  • In 2001, there were more than 800,000 visitors.
  • In 2017, this should only be 120,000.

According to the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, however, these figures would have been good. In truth, only 75,000 visitors were on the site.

IT dependence

The 2019 Cebit had become a huge loss business. That's why they operated the parking brake and canceled the salon. Instead, the Hannover Fair, already much larger, should serve, which was already in competition with Cebit.

Ferris wheel did not help

Why is the Cebit dead? One of the reasons for this is the competition already mentioned at the Hannover Fair, which focused on similar topics.

In addition, the information in question is no longer a niche, it will be treated at a single fair, said the Prime Minister of Niedersachsen, Stephan Weil, in an interview with the NDR. Instead, the theme "computer" would now be represented in several shows, including GamesCom and E3, and the Cebit was no longer the same position as before.Computer keyboard

In addition, the show has for years been heavily focused on business and seriousness. Private visitors and computer games that you did not like to see both In 2017, they wanted to change that and miss the show more event character, including live music and a Ferris wheel. But that probably did not help.

What is your opinion? But enough about the reasons for the sinking of Cebit. How do you like this development? Is it that the Mbad, which no one needs, now has an end? Or could we still save the Cebit? Join our integrated survey here and share your thoughts with us.

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