The Bundestag decides to help students, tenants and pig breeders


There were many topics to discuss, roll-call votes on the agenda, added to a 40-minute session break: the Bundestag met on Thursday until after midnight. Many decisions were taken during the plenary session of several hours. The most important decisions at a glance:

LIVING I: A brake on the repaired rental price should better protect the tenants of the apartments. In the future, after a renovation, the rent can increase by only three euros per square meter in six years, or two euros in some cases. Of the modernization costs, only 11% can be transferred to tenants instead of 11%.

In addition, landlords will have to disclose what the previous tenant has paid so that new tenants can more easily see if their rent is too high. In order to prevent harbadment and "modernity", there are future fines for homeowners and compensation for the tenants concerned (for more information on the new law on rentals).

LIVE II: An additional tax bonus is intended to stimulate the construction of affordable rental housing. The deputies decided a temporary special depreciation of five percent until the end of 2021. The subsidized apartment must be rented for at least ten years. In addition, the costs of acquisition and construction must not exceed a limit of 3000 euros per square meter to exclude luxury apartments from the promotion.

EDUCATION: A constitutional amendment adopted by the Bundestag is intended to allow co-financing of schools by the federal government. This would pave the way for the implementation of billions of digitization programs for German schools. In addition, the federal government should be able to authorize investments in social housing and public transit through a parliamentary decision. However, after the Bundestag, the Federal Council must also approve the constitutional amendment by a two – thirds majority, which is far from certain.

CARE Long-term care insurance contribution rates will increase by 0.5 point from January. This means that 3.05% of the gross salary is due. People without children must even pay 3.3%. As a result, additional annual revenues of € 7.6 billion are expected.

ANIMALS: Piglets can be sterilized for two years without anesthesia. Despite protests from animal rights advocates, the planned ban on the method has been postponed from the beginning of 2019 to the beginning of 2021. Many pig farmers have complained of a lack of alternatives. Millions of piglets are anesthetized castrated a few days after birth, so that the boar meat does not emit any strong smell or taste.

IMMIGRATION I: The Bundestag welcomed the draft United Nations pact on migration and at the same time affirmed the preservation of national sovereignty. The pact has "no legislative effect or change of law", according to a proposal for a resolution of the coalition groups, which was approved by majority.

IMMIGRATION II: In welcoming refugees, countries and municipalities will again receive billions of dollars in federal funding over the next year. The "flat rate of integration" will increase slightly to reach 2.44 billion euros over the next year. In addition, about 1.8 billion euros for the cost of housing. In addition, federal states receive 670 euros per month for each asylum seeker and 670 euros for each rejected applicant. To this end, another half billion euros will be budgeted.

PARLIAMENT: AfD has again failed with plans to elect one of its deputies to the vice-presidency of the Bundestag. Mariana Harder-Kühnel missed the required majority in the first round of voting with more than a hundred votes. AfD wants to send its candidate to the second and third ballot, but only in December.

PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION: Ulrich Kelber, a longtime member of the SPD, is the new Federal Data Protection Commissioner. Parliament elected him by a large majority as successor to Christian Democrat Andrea Voßhoff. Kelber begins his five-year term in early January.

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