The CDU and the CSU file a dispute over the asylum | TIME ONLINE


Berlin / Munich (dpa) – Chancellor Angela Merkel ( CDU ) and CSU leader, Horst Seehofer, have settled their bitter dispute over asylum and a dissolution of the EU. Union for the moment avoided.

"We came to an agreement after very intense negotiations between the CDU and the CSU," said Seehofer on Monday night after hours of negotiations at the CDU headquarters in Berlin. The SPD reacted cautiously after a meeting of the coalition committee late that evening. There are still many unanswered questions that need to be discussed, said party leader Andrea Nahles. The clear refusal reported Kevin Kühnert, CEO of Juso.

CDU and CSU now want to set up transit centers for refugees already registered in other EU countries on the German-Austrian border. From these centers, asylum seekers must be rejected directly in the responsible countries, says the agreement of the CDU and the CSU late Monday night. Ms Merkel said that she believed "that we have arrived at a good compromise today after a fierce struggle and hard days".

Seehofer said in the evening after hours of negotiations: "We have a clear agreement on how we are preventing illegal migration in the future on the borders between Germany and Germany. Austria."
The agreement was a "clear agreement, very, very sustainable for the future". The agreement allows him to continue the office of the Federal Minister of the Interior.

Seehofer announced his resignation Sunday evening. Thus, the cooperation of the Union and the Grand Coalition was at stake. The Monday night agreement made for relief on the stock market, the indication Dax and l 39; Eurocourse has increased.

In the
Fierce power struggle between the CDU and CSU was on rejection already elsewhere in refugees registered at the EU's border with Germany. The CSU insisted that Germany should do it alone. Merkel refused and insisted on a European regulation. "Once again, it has proven worthwhile to fight for a conviction," said Seehofer.

Following the crisis meeting between the CDU and the CSU, the leaders of the Union and the SPD

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