The Cloud activity takes stock: Microsoft shares reach a new record after strong numbers – expectations have been met | message


The Microsoft software giant boosted sales and profits in the last quarter thanks to a thriving cloud computing business and far surpbaded badysts' expectations. In the fourth quarter (end of June), the surplus rose nearly 10% to $ 8.9 billion (7.6 billion euros), according to Microsoft Thursday after the United States closed at headquarters of Redmond (Washington) announced. The turnover has increased by more than 17% to 30.1 billion dollars.

"We had an amazing year," said Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. The first investments in the cloud sector have paid off, and they would continue to focus on innovation. In particular, Azure's burgeoning platform for businesses has once again proven to be a growth driver with an 89% sales increase. The results reflect the high level of customer confidence in the Microsoft cloud, Nadella said. The LinkedIn subsidiary also remained on an expansion trajectory: the career network increased its revenues by 37%.

There was also a significant increase in software, including the online version of the "Office 365" brokerage program. working in the cloud was very much in demand. Here, revenues have climbed 38%. Microsoft has successfully realigned the company, said Dan Morgan, an badyst at Bloomberg's Synovus Trust. With a focus on the personal computer, the company had already been on a "death track."

For a long time, Microsoft focused its activities primarily on the computer system. the Windows operating system and the office software suite, and as a result, the company has become very dependent on the PC market, which has fallen sharply in recent years.For four years ago, Nadella finally took the reins after taking its functions at the head of the group and has fundamentally reoriented the company.Since then, cloud services have been the focus of the enterprise.More recently, Microsoft also took over the GitHub development platform. for $ 7.5 billion, which will be used as a backbone for a smart cloud in the future.

But even in the PC industry with Windows, things are surprisingly good at 17% to 10%, $ 8 billion This activity still contributes most of the turnover, but has since become a brake pad. Still in the gaming sector with the game console Xbox One and the corresponding software, Microsoft has experienced significant growth of 39%.

During the past fiscal year, Microsoft has increased its sales by 110%. $ 4 billion. On the other hand, net income has plummeted from $ 25.5 billion to $ 16.6 billion as a result of the high special fees stemming from US tax reform. Adjusted operating income increased 21% to $ 35.1 billion.

Microsoft's shares may temporarily tighten in the NASDAQ on Friday by about 3% to a record $ 108.20. editorial staff with dpa-AFX material

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