The Constitutional Court wants to reduce the salaries of civil servants | TIME ONLINE


In Baden-Württemberg, a judge filed an appeal against a reduced salary. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court could have consequences for other states.

The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe
© Uli Deck / dpa

The Federal Constitutional Court has the
Salary reduction for certain officials of
Baden-Württemberg inclined. Public servants are not obliged to
"stronger than others to consolidate public budgets
The highest German court justified its decision by the decision
the treatment system reserved for the first three years of service in
canceled groups.

" AT
Limit the principle of a good quality diet
purely financial reasons come to deal with exceptional situations
that if the measure is part of a coherent whole and
comprehensive approach to fiscal consolidation, "he said constitutional CourtIn Baden-Württemberg, such a concept is lacking.

Complaining in the proceedings since 2013, first as a prosecutor and
later as a judge in the service of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. He received
reduced pay of eight percent for three years. the
The Karlsruhe Administrative Court has appealed to the Federal Constitutional Court.

The Constitutional Court
also has similar cases from other countries on the table. So put that
Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig, end of October Business Karlsruhe
Niedersachsen before, the Landesverwaltungsgericht Saarland briefly
a procedure to pay the judges.

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