The cruise organizer experiences anger in the net


The crew members of a German cruise ship shoot down a polar bear and cause great indignation in the net. The investigation in Norway is underway – the tour operator is under pressure

A wounded bear, a dead polar bear and many unanswered questions: German crew members of the liner "MS Bremen" shot down a polar bear in Spitzbergen, Norway. Previously, the animal apparently injured a polar bear guard on his head when he went ashore with other guards to secure the area for tourists.

  The photo of the year 2008 shows an Orca swimming in front of the The picture of 2008 shows an orca swimming in front of the "MS Bremen": The ship of the expedition undertakes trips to south and north poles (Source: dpa)

Last Saturday, according to company spokesman Negar Etminan, four polar bear observers wanted to install a ground station to secure a bridge, but pbadengers would observe polar bears on board the ship.

Information on the current Svalbard incident – MS BREMEN

On Saturday, it is during an outing on land during a …

Posted by Hapag-Lloyd on Sunday, July 29, 2018

The tour operator "Hapag-Lloyd-Cruises" talks about # 39, an "accident" in a statement that the company "greatly regrets". "Hapag-Lloyd is very aware of its responsibility in sensitive areas and in respect of nature and wildlife," she wrote on Facebook. He will continue to work intensely and in cooperation with the Norwegian authorities to reconstruct and clarify the incident on the ground

Travel companies in distress

Nevertheless, the incident is a media fiasco for the ride -operator that causes media waves around the world. Even the press in the United States reports the death of the polar bear. And the story of "Hapag-Lloyd-Cruises" does not coincide in part with the investigations of local authorities in Norway. For example, while the company is talking about a gunman, according to the police and the governor of Svalbard, two people reportedly shot at the bear.

According to local investigation authorities, there were not only four bear rangers on the mainland at the time, as the company had said, but there were apparently twelve people near the incident . If people were tourists is not clear.

   (Source: Facebook / Hapag-Lloyd Cruises) (Source: Facebook / Hapag-Lloyd Cruises) On Facebook, "Hapag-Lloyd Cruises" had denied this in advance: "L & The polar bear is only on board. The guests of the ships only go ashore to watch the flora and the nature, "he says in a statement on Facebook." This statement seems questionable with a look at social networks. "

Participants can read on Instagram Even though organizers are trying to avoid incidents with polar bears, tourists are invading the habitat of the bear, feeding weakened seals or walrus and predators in the wild. The fact that the expeditions are also very close to endangered species is very close to their prey.

Polar bears are considered endangered species – according to the WWF, there are only 25,000 animals in the world and their habitat is threatened by global warming, but attacks on the inhabitants of Norway are rare – the last year 2016, when a polar bear was killed after contact with a human. The last fatal attack by a polar bear on a human, however, took place in 2011 – a British student was killed.

Polar bears are predators in their habitat, so he only sees humans as prey. Nevertheless, tourism around Spitsbergen is booming because of the bears: 60,000 people came to the area last year, according to local authorities. "Hapag-Lloyd-Cruises" is part of an entire industry that promises people to approach at least fascinating animals.

The investigation of animals killed Saturday continues. Opposed to "Hapag-Lloyd-Cruises" initially do not comment publicly on the exact course of events – according to their own information, so as not to anticipate the investigating authorities. The attacked bear guard, who has since been released from the hospital, rejected a statement to the Norwegian weekly "Svalbardposten"

Violent criticism in the network

So wait, especially many local and conservationists in the polar bear case killed on Saturday. According to the Norwegian authorities, they ask for "long investigations".

On the other hand, many people have already made their judgment on the Internet and the tour operator "Hapag-Lloyd-Cruises" is harvesting an important "shitstorm".

Ms. Bremen's team should take better care of you. So no animal should die. The man is using himself too much. It was the house of the bear

– Utah (@ iam_2309) July 29, 2018

Some critics speak of shame, others find it pathetic. Many advocate for the abolition of such cruises and call for a "boycott" against the organizer. "Shame on you" is one of the most harmless phrases that users send to the tour operator via the Twitter news service.

People have nothing to look for, not even for 100 billion euros #MSBremen #polarbear #armselig # ashamed cloth

– Rolf (@v_rtc) July 29, 2018

The organizers consider cruises on their website as a "great natural experience". Many Twitter users see the tourist attraction as an intrusion into the homeland of animals and show misunderstanding for such excursions.

Clbad Created #msbremen What happens next, feeding sharks followed by a fun bath? Simply disgusting ….. they just stay away …..

– NF74 (@ NilsFiedler1) July 29, 2018

The statement of the tour operator at l & 39 incident is not enough of the network community. A user asks for an environmental project in the habitat of polar bears.

We are waiting for a 6-figure donation for an environmental project in the region.

– uHerm #FBPE (@uherm_) July 30, 2018

"Hapag-Lloyd-Cruises" has on the social networks have announced that they want to discuss these proposals internally – it does not exist There are no concrete commitments so far.

Shipments have not been questioned by the company so far. Tourists pay at least 5,810 euros for a ten-day trip on the "MS Bremen". According to the tour operators, there are four to five polar bear observers on board, who ensure that pbadengers can go ashore safely. For the first time, the guards of the "MS Bremen" killed a bear on an expedition. Everyone agrees that such an incident should never happen again.

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