The EU introduces its own protective tariffs on steel products


Brussels The EU introduces special levies on steel products on Thursday to protect European manufacturers from serious distortions of the market compared to the new US tariffs. The European Commission said on Wednesday that the additional duty of 25 percent would be due on imports, which are due to US tariffs in the EU.

In return, US President Donald Trump was threatened if the negotiations did not proceed as he wished. Cars are the big problem of trade between the United States and the EU, Trump said Wednesday in Washington. Trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said the United States is currently studying tariffs and keeping this option open.

Juncker visits Trump in Washington

Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker plans to visit Trump next Wednesday. Convincing facts to influence the commercial conflict. "It is not false news, but objective facts," said Juncker in Brussels. Discussions will focus on how to improve transatlantic trade relations and economic partnership. "I drive there serene and serene."

Juncker reiterated that the EU was acting on closed trade issues and can not be divided. He has already told Trump – but without much success. The international community will react to new provocations and prepare for other countermeasures.

The US government recently opened a formal investigation to determine whether auto imports into the United States affect national security issues. A similar investigation was also used as a basis for special duties on steel and aluminum products. The EU considers that the argument of security is untrustworthy and badumes that it is in fact only benefits for US manufacturers.

Tariffs on traditional customs duties do not change with the new taxes. They are defined by the EU as the average quantities of the last three years. The European Association of Vehicle Manufacturers, Acea, was still angry and pointed out that, despite increasing volumes of free trade, steel prices were rising. count. "These measures will affect our competitiveness," said Acea Secretary General Erik Jonnaert. In Europe, steel prices are already very high

Malmström: the EU had no choice

European Commissioner for Trade, Cecilia Malmström, spoke about the price of steel. a decision to find the right balance between European steel producers and steel consumers. "US tariffs on iron and steel products are leading to a diversion of trade flows that could seriously harm European steel producers and workers," she said. Therefore, the EU has no choice but to respond with interim protection measures.

The Association of the steel industry pointed to a "mbadive" increase in import pressure on the EU steel market in the first five months of the year. # 39; year. Extrapolated at the end of the year, 47.8 million tons of steel would come to the EU, according to the report. That would be 18 percent more than in the same period of the previous year.

Hans Jürgen Kerkhoff, President of the Federation, hailed the EU's measures as an "obvious sign" to protect the industry from the consequences of protectionism. "The EU must now continue on its path and introduce definitive measures in the next stage," Kerkhoff demanded.

Already in June, the European Commission had set retaliatory tariffs on American products such as whiskey, jeans and motorcycle. They are also a reaction to the introduction of US special taxes on steel and aluminum products that Europeans consider to be incompatible with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The EU protective tariffs now introduced are so-called provisional measures. 200 days may remain in effect. Permanent guarantees could be adopted after the final closing of the ongoing market investigation. According to information from the European Commission, this should be completed by the beginning of next year at the latest.

Provisional measures are motivated by provisional results. They clearly show that more foreign steel products are being shipped to the EU because of the 25 percent US special duties introduced in March. Of the provisional measures, 23 are among the 28 categories of products studied.

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