The FDP criticizes the work of the federal government in the GDR



Investigation into the faction of the Bundestag The FDP criticizes the treatment of the government by the GDR

| Duration of reading: 4 minutes

  Sven Felix Kellerhoff

  Memorial of the victims of the Stasi in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen: Here, the annual funding has increased significantly since 2013   Memorial of the victims of the Stasi in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen : the annual funding since 2013 has increased significantly

Memorial of the victims of the Stasi in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen: Here, the annual promotion since 2013 has increased significantly

Source: pa / dpa / Paul Zinken

«No d & Opinion, no concept ": According to the FDP, the grand coalition has neglected reprocessing the past of the GDR. Especially when working with youth at the SED unfairness, the government fainted.

D The FDP criticizes the treatment of the past of the GDR by the federal government. "Support for initiatives and memorials is stagnating at a low level," said FDP MP Linda Teuteberg WORLD: "It is important today to remember what life is like behind the walls, the only thing I can do. slavery and oppression did. " [19659013] Teuteberg, who joined the Parliament in 2017 as the main candidate of his party in Brandenburg and sits on the Internal Committee, reacts to the replies of the Minister of Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) to a small request from the FDP parliamentary group . The opposition party wanted to know how the federal government developed the commemorative concept adopted in 1999 and what is planned for the 30th anniversary of the peaceful revolution in the GDR in the coming year.

The FDP is dissatisfied with the information provided. In fact, Grütters remains generally vague in his answers. The extension of the concept of memorial, for example, by a memorial commemorating the victims of communist tyranny, indicates that the government does not want to "anticipate" a parliamentary formation of opinion. On the occasion of the anniversary in 2019, the Minister of State stated that the federal government "will of course do its part to make the anniversary dignified and dignified."

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  On the occasion of the Commemoration Day for Victims of Fascist Terror On 13.09.1987, the traditional gathering on Bebelplatz in East Berlin will take place on the day of the fight against fascism and war. In front of the VIP booth, where other members of the party leadership and veterans of the anti-fascist resistance sit next to the general secretary of the SED, Erich Honecker (M), an orchestra of the National People's Army (ANV) is waiting for his performance. Photo: Peter Zimmermann +++ (c) dpa - Report +++ | World Use

Critics Teuteberg and the Liberals. Young people and future generations must learn the value of freedom; To this end, "the culture of work and the commemorative culture need the necessary value". More specifically, Teuteberg criticizes the government for taking the program "Jugend remembers". The government refers to the Bundestag, which has to provide the program financially, but "does not develop a convincing concept itself".

According to Grütters, his department "is currently examining" to what extent an expansion of the "Youth Recalled" program seems to make sense in dealing with the dictatorship of the SED.

Another open question is the future management of documents. the former Ministry of State Security. Federal Commissioner Roland Jahn has been working for a long time on developing a future concept for access to these documents under the auspices of the Federal Archives. He hopes that these projects will be presented to the Bundestag by the end of the year, after the election campaign and the long training of a government that has limited its political opinion. "Even the urgent measures for storing documents in the Stasi Documentation Authority are not guaranteed," says Teuteberg

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The lawyer, who spent her first nine years in the GDR, also complains that initiatives and commemorative sites are not adequately supported. Indeed, since 2013, the annual grant from the Gedenk- und Begegnungsstätte Leistikowstraße Foundation in Potsdam, a former KGB notorious prison, has only increased by 5,000 euros to reach the current 139,000 euros; Adjusted for inflation, this corresponds to a fall in funds in the high single digit percentage range. The subsidy for the German division of Marien, formerly the largest highway control point of the competent department of the Stasi, has risen from € 150,000 to € 157,000, but Grüters' figures also show that the annual promotion of the Marias. former prison of Stasi Berlin-Hohenschönhausen increased more than 70% over the same period and 45% by the Berlin Wall Foundation. The Robert Havemann Society of Berlin, the archives of the Pacific Revolution, will also receive much more money.

In addition, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research will provide up to 40 million euros over the next four years for a total of 14 badociations of universities, other resources available for research on labor topics in the GDR. Originally provided by the Bundestag for only 30 million euros, but increased by the federal government.

"No opinion, no concept"

Teuteberg is not enough: "In view of forthcoming celebrations for the 30th anniversary of peace Revolution and reunification" in Grütter's replies "n & # 39 only succinctly stated that the plans had not been completed yet ". The interest, motivation and commitment would be different.

It would be necessary to give more room to the treatment of the past of the GDR and to the memory of the achievements of the population of the former GDR in the years 1989/90 as a "living contribution to culture policy and education ". It is not enough to do this task as "compulsory exercise without inspiration". Teuteberg: "No opinion, no concept – this is shown by the federal government, when it is the memory of the 40-year dictatorship of the SED."

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