The flu season begins: to vaccinate or not to vaccinate?


Infectious diseases such as polio and diphtheria rarely play a role in our daily lives. Nevertheless, vaccinations are always important. Especially with childhood diseases such as measles. If you get it in adulthood, serious complications threaten. But what about – with the knowledge of your own vaccine protection? If you are unsure of what you are vaccinated against, consult your family doctor.

Currently, the practice of Dr. Ing. Is very active. Markus Frühwein. He is a general practitioner and travel specialist and daily vaccinates against tropical diseases such as yellow fever, but also against influenza or measles. He recommends to his patients a standard program: "In Germany, he is one of them: tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and poliomyelitis.Everybody should benefit from an effective protection against mumps, measles, rubella.

Influenza vaccination for the elderly

In Germany, official vaccination recommendations are issued by the Permanent Vaccination Commission, Stiko. On the list is in people over 60 and the flu shot says Dr. med. Markus Frühwein: "The influenza vaccine is a good vaccine for people at high risk of influenza.They are elderly, chronically ill, immunocompromised people.I can only recommend the vaccine, I do it all myself Even our staff is vaccinated. "

However, even the quadruple vaccine currently paid for by health insurance does not offer any one hundred percent protection. In recent years, the vaccine has generally been effective in only about half of patients. In the elderly, even worse than young people. In fact, one is used to the fact that an immunized vaccine is very safe against a pathogen – as with measles. It is perhaps this insecurity that gives rise to skepticism about vaccination among many people.

Every vaccination does not make sense

Vaccinate to demonize, which is nothing to Munich doctor Steffen Rabe. Nor of scaring tactics. But he thinks the official recommendations in some vaccines go too far: "The clbadic example of tetanus, in which the Standing Committee on Immunization recommends refreshing every ten years, is a flagrant contradiction with the recommendation of the 39; WHO ". "The World Health Organization, yes This is not exactly the refuge of vaccination, it is said to be, once you have six vaccines in your life, the last took place in the young adults is usually enough. "

Aluminum in the vaccine

Each vaccination counts, according to a brochure from the Immunization Commission. But each vaccine can also cause side effects, ranging from mild redness at the injection site to symptoms such as fever and joint pain. And: vaccines such as those against tetanus may contain problematic substances, says Munich doctor Steffen Rabe: "In every tetanus vaccine, for example, aluminum is there to potentiate. much discussed in recent years. "

In fact, some vaccines, such as diphtheria and tetanus, have little or no effect on aluminum without aluminum. The European Pharmacopoeia stipulates a maximum dose of 1.25 mg per dose. However, the vaccines approved here are well below this limit, in the range of 0.125 to 0.82 mg of aluminum per dose. In addition, these vaccines are administered intramuscularly and not intravenously, so that at no time are all the aluminum in the blood available. This is announced by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) of Langen. IPE is the German Federal Institute of Vaccines and Biomedical Medicines.

Vaccination status uncertain – blood loss

In adults with uncertain immunization status, such as measles or chicken pox, Steffen Rabe recommends, before vaccination, taking a blood sample: "I would look in the case, for example, if there is still a protection, we can proceed with a lot, very precisely to many vaccinations Not all, many of them, depending on whether, for example, a routine reminder is necessary or not. "

A compulsory vaccination is – unlike France and Italy – not in Germany. Each vaccination is an individual decision that everyone takes for himself or his children – but for some diseases he also has a social responsibility.

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