The former mayor of Neukölln: "smart-assassin party" – Heinz Buschkowsky attacks the SPD – Berlin


So violently the SPD itself is hardly jostled by its opponents. But comrade Heinz Buschkowsky, the former mayor of Neukölln, really started when the "Welt am Sonntag" recently asked him questions about the current state of social democracy. As a "smartie party" he cursed the SPD. It was "on the way back to the clbad struggle, the adult education policy, the vanguard of the proletariat". And his criticism of Berlin's comrades culminated in the sentences, the metropolitan SPD "not in vain as the most underground national badociation of the German social-democracy.There are many sick on the way." [19659002] Heinz Buschkowsky has long been polarized with claims such as "multiculturalism has failed". Now he has obviously his own party in sight.

What about SPD at the federal and state levels? The violent skirmishes for the course of the Social Democrats have been at the state level of Berlin since 2017 a number. Initiated by comrades from right or left, by SPD alumni like former party leader and longtime mayor Peter Strieder or representatives of the young guard

Attacks of SPD elders

Raed Saleh, leader of the SPD, has reprimanded several leaders in 2017 Mayor Michael Müller, because he is not resolute enough in many issues close to citizens, such as bureaucracy or security. Peter Strieder read his comrades just a few days ago the Levites. They had politically failed to manage public institutions, he accused them.

A group of young officials around the Berlin SPD MEP Sven Kohlmeier and the former head of the Senate Chancellery and current state secretary at the Federal Ministry of Labor Bjoern Bohning invites late August to Kreuzberg a discussion forum on their theses. In a letter to the comrades, they had already, in May, dealt critically with the politics of the Social Democrats in the capital. The SPD gets lost in the "little part of a dull management logic". But their basic problem is that they no longer have a "clear line".

The debate on this line is mainly focused on the question: to whom should the Social Democrats be primarily interested? Who belongs to their potential followers?

From Buschkowsky's point of view, the true clientele is the "active population". For their concerns, the party does not involve itself, as it is increasingly led by academic officials and less and less by people from working-clbad families, he said at the time. an interview. Instead, the SPD is fighting for "marginalized communities". They give money in the middle. To people who have not listened to their parents or the teacher. They do not have work, stay in bed in the morning at the beginning of the shift … the kids skip the school. "And further:" They are private and discriminated against. This does not include a normal citizen. "

Buschkowsky is in the tradition of Sigmar Gabriel, the federal president of the former SPD and former Federal Foreign Minister.The SPD had paid too little attention to ordinary people, too much to hipsters and gender , too little to justice, said Gabriel after the general election of 2017.

Buschkowsky's attack is bad in the party

But many Social Democrats have long supposed the opposite. Emancipation was only for the elite, the critics held Gabriel in turn.And they are confirmed by social researchers.Especially in Berlin, where the traditional industrial labor force has declined sharply, while the service sector has increased sharply.The Social Democrat woman of the Humboldt University of Berlin, Naika Foroutan, said Sunday in the interview of Tagesspiegel that the SPD does not. was more "a workers party." Ell e was "chosen by the clbad of services".

The Buschkowsky attack is bad, The Federal Government Plenipotentiary and Secretary of State for Citizenship, Sawsan Chebli, writes on Twitter: "Another who lives from the SPD." Daniel Buchholz, SPD spokesperson for urban development and the environment in the House of Representatives he usually appreciates the clear words of Buschkowsky. "But I think he slept badly for three nights this time."

Many prominent SPDs, however, did not even record the angry words of old comrade Sunday. They recover on vacation, were not available for comments. Or they decided to ignore the fierce number of Buschkowsky, since he would be less and less taken seriously because of his increasingly populist tone in the group. In any case, the SPD National Director, Anett Seitz, did not want to comment on Sunday's interview

. The spokesman for left foreign policy in the Bundestag, Stefan Liebich, has become clearer. Even against his party Buschkowsky scolded. Klaus Lederer, of the left, will soon become the next incumbent mayor, the Social Democrat said. And added: "We present the city on the silver platter at SED Fritzen." Liebich's counter-attack on Twitter: "Without the" SED-Fritzen ", Buschkowsky would not have been mayor.In 2001, he was chosen by the PDS among others." And with a wink of He adds, "This is not our best idea."

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