The hottest day of the year on the way – Do we crack the mark of 35 degrees on Friday? – Inner news


Berlin – It's getting hotter! The summer starts full and brings all sweat temperatures from Germany up to 35 degrees.

Today, only in the northeast still obscure views – but from Thursday there seems to be a lot of sun. So far, the peak is 34.2 degrees, measured in Lingen at the end of May – this year's record is probably broken towards the end of the week.

"The 35 degrees may already exist this Friday.This would be the hottest day of the year," says meteorologist Dominik Jung of

The hottest is expected in the Rhine-Westphalia region. Neckar or Rhein-Main near Mannheim and the Rhine in the direction Frankfurt.

"The weather is still in the middle of summer.We have a weather like the Mediterranean," said the weather expert. "For the weekend, it can temporarily move a little in the south, so thunderstorms and even thunderstorms are possible."

From the west, a cold front attacks Germany, but has little chance against the Azores Gottfried. Apart from some heat storms in the south, there is also a "perfect summer time" in the days to come, says meteorologist Adrian Leyser of the German Meteorological Service (SGPM). /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" Temperatures-in-e-200859561-56351142 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Bronzer on the Rhine in Düsseldorf: These young women enjoy summer temperatures in a drifting dinghy "data-zoom-title =" Sunbathing on the Rhine in Dusseldorf: these young women enjoy summer temperatures in a rainbow dinghy

Photo: dpa Jana Bauch

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Bronzing on the Rhine in Düsseldorf: these young women enjoy summer temperatures in a rainbow dinghy Photo: dpa Jana Bauch

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0LGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-img-src =" -seit-1881 — inf-200574393-53702710 / 4, w = 1280, c = 0.bild.gif "alt =" Different meteorological phenomena in particularly extreme form in Germany since 1881 – computer graphics [19659010] Here's how the next days continue

Wednesday : 23 to 31 degrees, in the northeastern clouds and at the border with Poland also rain, if not sun

Thursday : 24 to 32 degrees, often friendly and dry, last clouds to the northeast

Friday : 25 to 35 degrees, a lot of sun and locally very hot to hot, later in the south possible

Saturday : 24 to 32 degrees, mixture of sun, clouds and clouds 39 thunderstorms (mostly in the south)

Sunday : 23 to 30 degrees, temporarily changeable, especially in the south of the country thunderstorms again

Even after that the temperatures are again in cracking the mark of 35 degrees – according to preliminary calculations, it will be hot in the new midweek record!

  Various extreme weather phenomena in Germany since 1881 - infographic

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