The incident occurred at the police headquarters in Bonn: a police officer shot in the neck of a 23-year-old colleague


The 23-year-old police officer, who was seriously injured Monday at the police headquarters in Bonn by the shot from the gun of a 22-year-old colleague, was shot by a bullet in the back of the neck.

By Rita Klein, the 27.11.2018

The 23-year-old police officer, who was seriously wounded by a 22-year-old colleague's bullet gun at Bonn Police headquarters on Monday, was hit in the back of the neck by the bullet. This communicated the reasons for the objectivity with the investigation commissioned by the Cologne police in a joint press release with the Bonn prosecutor.

As both authorities explained, the investigators badume that the 22-year-old police officer was at fault. According to the report, the incident occurred as part of an operational training to which the two officials also wanted to participate. Together with other colleagues, they were in the basement of the police headquarters in Ramersdorf, on the way from the locker room to the shooting range, as it happened.

In addition to their sharp weapons, they had, according to the police, so-called red weapons. According to the report, these are inoperative pistols, identical in appearance to service weapons, which are used by mission training officers.

What exactly happened in the hallway is not yet clear. Police and prosecutors said that an investigation team consisting of nine officers had been formed. She is currently investigating the facts and circumstances of the incident by questioning witnesses at the police headquarters and at the hospital. Police say the 23-year-old is still unresponsive and will continue to receive intensive medical care. However, he should not be in mortal danger.

As the Judiciary said, it is based on a scenario in which the 22-year-old gambler confused the sharp service gun with the inoperative weapon and was aiming for combat. According to the information of the AG, he is in shock. According to information provided by the Bonn police, the outcome of the preliminary investigation will depend on his suspension of service.

Horror and confusion reign after the information of the General Assembly throughout the police headquarters, even with the chief of police, Ursula Brohl-Sowa. "I am deeply concerned and very concerned, our thoughts are with the injured colleague and his family, and we are helping other colleagues involved in the event," she said.

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