The intestinal loop diet also eliminates the most persistent problem on the stomach


How can I remove excess belly fat?

Many people go to sport regularly and pay attention to a healthy diet, but they can not get rid of their superfluous fat. A fitness expert has now given some tips and tricks that can help dispel stubborn belly fat.

Belly fat is usually difficult to break down. Stress and genetics contribute to fat accumulation in this area. Of course, lifestyle has a big impact. Australian fitness expert Kristy Curtis has published a list of suggestions for the targeted treatment of belly fat.

How do people get rid of excess belly fat? (Image: SENTELLO /

Make sure to keep moving forward

Any type of exercise that speeds up your heart rate, such as jogging, cycling or swimming, helps reduce belly fat. All forms of structured training throughout the day are very beneficial, but the expert recommends a balanced approach. Too many sessions in a particular exercise can lead to overwork and badociated injuries, such as inflammation of the tendon and joints, and muscle tension. A training plan should include what is known as resistance training at least two to three times a week. When the body builds muscles, it supports the bones, prevents osteoporosis and heart disease and reduces weight.

Watch for your caloric intake

If you want to lose weight, you can easily make sure you do not eat more than your body needs. Weight loss is based on the principle of caloric deficit, which means that more energy needs to be burned than consumed. A total caloric deficit of 7,700 calories is badociated with a weight loss of one kilo, said the expert, according to the English language magazine "Daily Mail".

Lower your sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption

Sugar and refined carbohydrates have absolutely no nutritional benefit and are somehow an empty calorie. Sugar has a devastating effect on blood glucose and insulin in the blood, causing a sharp increase and then, after a while, a sharp drop. Insulin is a hormone that promotes the storage of fats and inhibits the ability to burn them. When insulin levels are kept low, the body can burn fat properly.

Take all the extra opportunities to move

Although a workout routine is essential, there are still ways to burn extra calories. The thermogenesis of physical activity or not (N.E.A.T) is an easy way to contribute to the number of calories burned during a day. For example, using stairs instead of the elevator can help burn extra calories.

Stick to a high protein diet

A high protein diet is essential for building muscle. Muscles are the tissues that still burn calories during sleep. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn and the more food you can eat. Proteins can come from meat sources such as red or white meat or seafood, but they can also be badimilated to dairy products, eggs, cheese and yogurt. Sources of vegan proteins include, for example, soy products, legumes, beans, green leafy vegetables, edamame beans and tempeh. You must take daily 0.8 to 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. If you do regular weight training, you should take more protein. Another advantage is that the proteins are digested slowly, which leads to a longer saturation.

Eat well after exercise

When we start to sweat after workout, we can develop a craving that often leads to the consumption of unhealthy foods. She should have a snack or meal within the next hour, advises the expert. After training, the body's cells are ready to receive a nutritious meal containing proteins, carbohydrates and fats to cover all the essential macronutrients.

Pay attention to your consumption of alcohol

It can be very tempting to party on weekends and drink alcohol, especially if you have eaten well and exercised during the week. Calories from alcohol have no nutritional value and contribute to excess fat in the abdominal area or to belly fat, the expert says. Alcohol consumption must be carefully managed so as not to sabotage hard-earned progress from Monday to Friday. Alcohol can be catastrophic for weight because alcohol is made from sugar or starch. Alcohol contains a lot of calories, seven calories per gram, almost as much as pure fat. (As)

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