The investor no longer bets against Tesla – dpa


NOTew York (dpa) – Shortly before the announcement of the quarterly results, Tesla received surprising support: a major Wall Street investor, who previously bet against Tesla, has turned around and now relies on the company's technology billionaire Elon Musk.

This unexpected support boosted Tesla's share on Tuesday as trade with the United States rose 13 percent.

The well-known big investor Andrew Edward Left of Citron Research – previously known as a big skeptic for Tesla – has suddenly praised the brand. "It's a revolution I've underestimated," Left said to Bloomberg TV. Chief Tesk Musk attracts so much attention with his escapades that no one has realized the success of his company. In fact, the company is about to become profitable and refute skeptics.

Previously, Left had made a splash with a lawsuit against Musk after shocking the markets in August with plans to retreat the Tesla Stock Exchange. Citron held a long position on Tesla, speculating on a decline in stock prices.

The left also badumes that Tesla will permanently overcome the production crisis surrounding the new model 3. Tesla had trouble starting on the first of its first cheaper car in production. Left also predicted five years ago that Tesla would find itself in the launch of Model 3 with a significant competing bid. But this fear did not happen, said the left.

On Tuesday, Tesla's spontaneous announcement that he would already be presenting the third quarter numbers Wednesday – much earlier than expected – gave an extra boost on Tuesday. Musk promised investors several months ago that the company, formerly chronic deficient, would manage to emerge from the red.

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