The Krombacher brewery no longer gives money to the German help to the environment


Kreuztal / Berlin. Krombacher had supported conservation projects of German environmental aid with millions. Now, the beer brewer has stopped his donations.

The protection of the environment is important to them, but the Krombacher brewery and the German Environmental Assistance (DUH) are no longer found. The beer maker has fixed his financial donations by the millions, there will be more cooperation. This was confirmed by a report from the "Westfalenpost", spokesman for the Krombacher brewery, on Tuesday. To what extent this decision could also be in a context of diesel driving bans and, as a result, possibly altering the image of environmental badistance? German (see box "history"), it is held in Krombacher. On the exact reasons that led to the end of the cooperation with the DHU, the spokesperson did not want to comment on the request. Also in the official communication of the company was missing a reason.


Critique of the German aid to the environment

The DUH is the driving force for diesel driving bans in German cities. Their use for clean air, however, is not undisputed.

Thus, the organization of companies such as car manufacturers, which were the subject of legal proceedings, is reprimanded as an "Abmahnverein". In fact, consumer protection prosecutions provide a sustainable source of income for German environmental badistance. According to its annual report, the DUH generated a turnover of about 2.5 million euros in 2017 thanks to the "Ecological Market Monitoring", which masks the lawsuits.

The DUH has thus been discredited, notably by the CDU and FDP, who criticized the federation's lobbying and its own financial interests and wanted to deny it rights such as non-profit status. The DUH is a double-edged sword, which also meets the financial requirements of the automaker Toyota, which offers only a few diesel engines.

The fact is that: Krombacher was a major donor of German environmental aid. In two and a half years, about one million euros have come together, explains Sascha Müller-Kraenner, CEO of DUH. This amount represents about one-eighth of the total revenue of DUH last year.

As part of its biodiversity project, which began in 2016, Krombacher has also considered three worthy projects supported by the German Environmental Protection Fund, the WWF and the German Conservation Fund. of nature (Nabu). The focus was on the interests of the endangered otter, iron duck, gray seal and less spotted eagle. "The donations made were clearly reserved
"However, although the beer maker has ceased cooperation with the German environment at the end of last year, cooperation with WWF and Nabu has remained.

Sascha Müller-Kraenner is Federal Director of German Environmental Assistance (DUH). Photo: obs / Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V./Steffen Holzmann

DUH breaks with the telecom

Vehement against this hypothesis, Krombacher could have put an end to the cooperation with the DUH for reasons of image, defends Müller-Kraenner. Referring to our editorial, he said: "I do not quite understand the context that is being put in place, but for us, the project is over a year ago, it is n & rsquo; There is no connection with the theme of diesel or anything of that nature. " He had discussed with Krombacher support for future projects in the area of ​​species protection, but the beer maker had objected and had justified his decision against the DUH with "other marketing priorities".

Krombacher is not the only business partner to no longer work with DUH. Even with the telecom, the badociation could not agree on the continuation of a cooperation of one year duration. There were "different points of view," says Müller-Kraenner. Thus, the telecom wanted to stop the financial support of the work of nature protection, specialized workshops should have been offered. "The cost / income ratio has not changed," said Müller-Kraenner. As a result, the DUH ended the cooperation last year.

More private donations

The telecom has confirmed this procedure. In a written statement to our editors, it was written: "In the past, Deutsche Telekom had successfully collaborated with German Environmental Aid (DUH) in the field of mobile phone recycling. asks for help to the environment end of 2017. Since then, there are more commercial relations. "

Money worries do not come to the DHU anyway. Projects supported by Krombacher must nevertheless be continued, says Müller-Kraenner. According to the director general of the DUH, the millions of losses resulting from the breakdown of cooperation agreements with Krombacher and Telekom could be "fully compensated" by an increase in private donations. The growing volume of private donations has emerged in recent years. And that could have helped the diesel theme DUH. Because: "We have received many donations referring to our commitment to clean air and safe drinking water," Müller-Kraenner said.

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