The man extinguishes the suitcases and yells "bomb" – no explosives


An unknown man puts a suitcase in the city center of Freiburg and calls aloud "bomb". After an investigation, the experts in explosives give a clarification.

In Friborg, a suitcase parked in the afternoon caused a sensation. According to the police, a man until now unknown dropped the luggage in the city center and shouted "bomb". So he should have run away. Explosives experts were able to give a clear idea after a study of the suitcase.

Freiburg: suspicious object in the Herrenstraße area – warning !!!!!!
The Delaborierer arrived in the meanwhile examined the Verd object.
In the suitcase was not explosive. The barrier is raised. Press:

– Police Freiburg (@PolizeiFR) July 30, 2018

The "Badische Zeitung" reported that the L & Man had parked the leather bag next to an excavator. A construction worker followed the man in the beginning, but could not hold him back, the newspaper said.

Police first evacuated nearby stores and set up a restricted access area within a radius of about 50 meters around the suitcase. The barrier was later repealed.

The alleged perpetrator is described by the police as follows:

About 1.70 meters tall, he wears a brown leather jacket and three quarter length jeans in blue. He has light, black hair. He is about 25 years old and has been described by witnesses as haggard and "Arab in appearance".

More information is not yet available.

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